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Very Very Small Mafia Six

As the three figured they were all innocent, they went to sleep, for they thought they were all safe.

Oh, how wrong they were...

Nobody died.

24 hours for night actions

I swear to god, I almost put "[/s]" instead of "[/b]".
They all wake up... except for Light. He's dead. Then Vehement kills Zero Moment, and eats his Vanilla-y goodness... Mmm... Vanilla...


Flora, Zero Moment, Light: Vanilla Innocent
Vehement Mustelid: Chocolate Mafia

NIGHT 0: VM kills Flora
DAY 1: Two votes for abstains from ZM and Light, one SECRET PHUN TIEM vote for Light from VM.
NIGHT 1: VM kills Light

I must say, I was impressed that Vehement could doctor that screenshot believably! Good job with the win, Vehement! Anyway, VVS 7 will probably start later.
VM, did your role pm look exactly like ours except replaced "Vanilla Innocent" with "Chocolate Mafia"?
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