Be Bold (+Def, -Atk)
[size=+2]Vipera Magnifica vs Lord of the Fireflies[/size]
Format: 3v3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30% (40% on fifth day through the seventh day)
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, direct recovery (except on seventh day), Pain Split, moves will not inflict attraction or confusion
Arena Description: The Genesis of the Universe
Vipera Magnifica's active squad
Violent Mustelid the male Mienfoo <Regenerator> @ Life Orb
Finbarr Galedeep the male Buizel <Swift Swim> @ Leftovers
Vile Myriapoda the female Venipede <Swarm> @ Black Sludge
Melia the female Glaceon <Snow Cloak> @ Never-Melt Ice
Calcifer the male Litwick <Flame Body> @ Eviolite
Psycho Mantis the male Scyther <Technician> @ Metal Coat
Orestes the male Larvitar <Guts> @ Lucky Egg
Super Smile Kevin the male Squirtle <Rain Dish> @ Shell Bell
Rhinestone Eyes the female Sableye <Keen Eye> @ Sachet
Metal Gear ROSS the genderless Metang <Clear Body> @ Lucky Egg
Lord of the Fireflies's active squad
Alice in Chain Chomps the female Mawile <Intimidate> @ Sachet
Hook of the Infect Boglands the male Croagunk <Anticipation> @ Sitrus Berry
Thybault Dullblade the male Kirlia <Trace> @ Dawn Stone
Jules Vernfield the male Accelgor <Hydration> @ Reaper Cloth
Rose Spookheart the female Mismagius <Levitate>
Lady Ouroboros the female Ekans <Shed Skin>
Keyrielle Phlebotinum the female Klefki <Prankster> @ Red Card
Elegraff from Plastic Beaches the female Chinchou <Volt Absorb>
Epitaph for a Despised Coward the female Gourgeist (Small Size) <Frisk>
Cello the female Cleffa <Magic Guard> @ Soothe Bell
PM me your sendouts and their commands, preferably in that order. Winner gets to be pope.
Format: 3v3 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 30% (40% on fifth day through the seventh day)
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, direct recovery (except on seventh day), Pain Split, moves will not inflict attraction or confusion
Arena Description: The Genesis of the Universe
Just about every culture in human history has a story of how the universe came into being. The Library of Asber has a collection of hundreds of books, scrolls, and tablets that contain such epic stories. One particular book has been taken off of its shelf and placed on top of an old coffee table next to the fireplace. The book is bound in dark leather, with gold leaf ornamentation on the front cover depicting two humanlike figures. This book tells the tale of a great battle between two opposing forces that resulted in the creation of our world. These two deities, being unable to fight each other directly, created the beings we now know as “Pokémon” to act as their vessels and do the fighting in their place. As their feud raged on for eons, they gradually created the heavens and earth, and all life upon it, in order to fuel their endless battle.
Each round of the battle is referred to as a “day”. On each new day, the arena evolves, causing certain effects to take place:
THE FIRST DAY: Before there was anything, there was nothing. The universe was an endless dark void, with no shape or form. The two gods created primitive forms of life to exist in this nothingness. During the first day, all Pokémon on the field will revert to their most basic evolutionary stage. Trainers will PM the ref their commands. They may only command their Pokémon to use one move, and that move will be used on all three actions of this round. No conditionals may be used. If this is the first round of the match, both trainers will also PM the ref their choice of Pokémon. Any attack that relies on sight (such as Scary Face or Glare) shall fail, as will any move that requires light or natural resources. All attacks, aside from those with perfect accuracy, will have their accuracy reduced by 20%.
THE SECOND DAY: On the second day the gods separated light from dark, and gave their companions the gift of sight. Pokémon now have the ability to see, and attacks that rely on light shall now work, at half the energy cost. Intense sunlight will occur during this round. Trainers are free to command as usual.
THE THIRD DAY: The gods then created a division, and the world was split in two. There was the endless sea, and the boundless sky. Where these two met, the war of the gods raged on. Moves that require a source of water shall now work. The effects of rain shall take place throughout this round.
THE FOURTH DAY: The gods created an island of rock in the endless ocean, and this island became our world. Moves that require solid ground or rocks shall now work, and will have their base power multiplied by 1.5. The effects of a sandstorm shall take place during this round.
THE FIFTH DAY: On the fifth day, the gods created all kinds of life, in order to add to their armies. A random Rarity One Pokémon shall aid each trainer for the duration of this round, each using random moves from its movepool. Moves that require vegetation, such as Grass Knot, shall now work. In addition, a hailstorm shall occur during this round.
THE SIXTH DAY: It was on the sixth day that humans were created, and given the gift of free will. The humans divided themselves into two religions, each worshipping one of the two gods. The war between the two deities reached its tipping point as men fought one another over their beliefs. During this round, two ASB players may lend their strength to the trainers, and volunteer one of their Pokémon to aid them in the battle. Volunteers must post in the thread, and specify which trainer they will be helping and which Pokémon they will be using. Once each trainer has a volunteer, commands are posted normally, but the two volunteers will PM the ref their commands after the trainers have posted. Note that the move “Heal Pulse” is prohibited for this round.
THE SEVENTH DAY: Exhausted, the gods and their subjects took a break from the fighting, and peace temporarily ensued. The gods saw the world they had created, and saw that it was good. During this round, only self-targeting moves may be used. This is the only round where direct healing moves are allowed.
After the seventh day, the cycle will repeat, and a brand new universe will be created.
Additional Rules: When first sent out (and on the first day of any cycle) each Pokémon will revert to its first evolutionary stage. Each round that it stays in battle, a Pokémon may evolve into its next evolutionary stage, if it has one. In the case of divergent evolutionary paths, the trainer must specify the evolution before commands are posted. This means that a trainer that sent a Gallade into the battle could elect to evolve it into Gardevoir at the beginning of its third round in battle.
Each round of the battle is referred to as a “day”. On each new day, the arena evolves, causing certain effects to take place:
THE FIRST DAY: Before there was anything, there was nothing. The universe was an endless dark void, with no shape or form. The two gods created primitive forms of life to exist in this nothingness. During the first day, all Pokémon on the field will revert to their most basic evolutionary stage. Trainers will PM the ref their commands. They may only command their Pokémon to use one move, and that move will be used on all three actions of this round. No conditionals may be used. If this is the first round of the match, both trainers will also PM the ref their choice of Pokémon. Any attack that relies on sight (such as Scary Face or Glare) shall fail, as will any move that requires light or natural resources. All attacks, aside from those with perfect accuracy, will have their accuracy reduced by 20%.
THE SECOND DAY: On the second day the gods separated light from dark, and gave their companions the gift of sight. Pokémon now have the ability to see, and attacks that rely on light shall now work, at half the energy cost. Intense sunlight will occur during this round. Trainers are free to command as usual.
THE THIRD DAY: The gods then created a division, and the world was split in two. There was the endless sea, and the boundless sky. Where these two met, the war of the gods raged on. Moves that require a source of water shall now work. The effects of rain shall take place throughout this round.
THE FOURTH DAY: The gods created an island of rock in the endless ocean, and this island became our world. Moves that require solid ground or rocks shall now work, and will have their base power multiplied by 1.5. The effects of a sandstorm shall take place during this round.
THE FIFTH DAY: On the fifth day, the gods created all kinds of life, in order to add to their armies. A random Rarity One Pokémon shall aid each trainer for the duration of this round, each using random moves from its movepool. Moves that require vegetation, such as Grass Knot, shall now work. In addition, a hailstorm shall occur during this round.
THE SIXTH DAY: It was on the sixth day that humans were created, and given the gift of free will. The humans divided themselves into two religions, each worshipping one of the two gods. The war between the two deities reached its tipping point as men fought one another over their beliefs. During this round, two ASB players may lend their strength to the trainers, and volunteer one of their Pokémon to aid them in the battle. Volunteers must post in the thread, and specify which trainer they will be helping and which Pokémon they will be using. Once each trainer has a volunteer, commands are posted normally, but the two volunteers will PM the ref their commands after the trainers have posted. Note that the move “Heal Pulse” is prohibited for this round.
THE SEVENTH DAY: Exhausted, the gods and their subjects took a break from the fighting, and peace temporarily ensued. The gods saw the world they had created, and saw that it was good. During this round, only self-targeting moves may be used. This is the only round where direct healing moves are allowed.
After the seventh day, the cycle will repeat, and a brand new universe will be created.
Additional Rules: When first sent out (and on the first day of any cycle) each Pokémon will revert to its first evolutionary stage. Each round that it stays in battle, a Pokémon may evolve into its next evolutionary stage, if it has one. In the case of divergent evolutionary paths, the trainer must specify the evolution before commands are posted. This means that a trainer that sent a Gallade into the battle could elect to evolve it into Gardevoir at the beginning of its third round in battle.
Vipera Magnifica's active squad

Lord of the Fireflies's active squad

PM me your sendouts and their command
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