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Viral Mafia- MAFIA WIN


Take me to Wonderland
You are a computer user, not many people int he world are otherwise. you use the Internet to connect with people, look up stuff for research and play games here and there. It is a fun life and a computerized life, with even places where you are known by your "avatar"...or persona you use as a user. Some of you have gotten the latest tech to connect with the Internet better. Upon getting this new tech, you are given a website to connect to and meet others like you. In this site, your conscience is drawn into the game, leaving your physical form at the computer in a sleep like state. The data tower in the game reads out the status of each player so no one is left in the dark on why someone may not be there yet.

It was a peaceful place to be in, a happy place. That is, until the Virus started. No one payed much mind to it since it was a computer virus. they figured it wouldn't really affect them and could be dealt with to allow more game play. That thinking ended when they watched one of the users fall and shatter into pixels...and receive a message from the Data Tower that the person had died in the real world. No one believed this until reports from the Internet new site mentioned a single girl laying face down on her key bored with a blank gaze and the words "Game Over" on the computer screen.

Now it is up to you to find the cause for this and take them out...before they find and destroy you first.


Let the fun begin *sweet smile* You have 24 hours to send in Night actions.
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Re: Viral Mafia

The day dawns in the virtual world, or so the data tower says when you all log onto the site to see what has happened. As you sit on a virtual bench, you notice that there is something missing...or rather, someone. You all look to the tower and wait for the day's news.

What you hear shocks you.

"This morning, a young woman was found dead at her computer. She was wearing what appeared to be a off-white nightie with cat paws and the word 'meow' all over. The police released a short summery that the woman was laying on the floor of her room, eyes wide and bleeding 'tears'. Later on, the news of a second death reached our data stream of another person found dead. What was released about their death was that they seemed to have had a electric current short-wired and fry their insides out, melting their eyes out."

You all look at one another and count to see who was hear. It became apparent who were the unlucky players.

Big Red Cherry Bomb is dead, She was not Mafia.
demonickittens is dead, they were not Mafia.
48 hours to discuss.
Re: Viral Mafia

Having two mafia factions seems unlikely with only thirteen players...so I'm guessing we have a vigilante, or maybe Big Red Cherry Bomb and demonickittens were lovers or fishing brothers.
Re: Viral Mafia

Probably both the Vigilante and the MAfia killed people. The Vigilante made a bad guess, then, right?
Re: Viral Mafia

I have no idea...the whole short-circuiting thing could go either way. demonic could have need killed from the outside or could have short-circuited himself. eh, that's basically just summarizing what other people have said, though.

So are we gonna do the usual abstain-wagon, or are we gonna lynch someone today?
Re: Viral Mafia

Are we to take the flavour text as indicative of how the victims were killed, then?
Re: Viral Mafia

Technically the viruses and such have no specific weapons, and can therefore kill any way they choose. I wouldn't think the Flavor Text would make much difference.
Re: Viral Mafia

I meant because Blazie thought demonickittens might have killed himself.

I'm not sure what we should do about lynching. Only four people have said anything so far, though, so it's possible that we'll get a bit more to go on before the day ends.
Re: Viral Mafia

Are we to take the flavour text as indicative of how the victims were killed, then?

Oh. Right. Eh, I thought we might as well consider it since we have secret roles, but yeah, it's not for sure. I meant killing himself as result of a lover death, since that is looking like a possibility.
Re: Viral Mafia

Well, it does look like a suicide...

I think it might be safe to say that we have a really smart Mafia, some lucky healers, or an unlucky vigilante.
Re: Viral Mafia

Well, it does look like a suicide...

I think it might be safe to say that we have a really smart Mafia, some lucky healers, or an unlucky vigilante.

Or really lucky mafia; it would have been nearly impossible to know if demonickittens/Big Red Cherry Bomb were lovers.

Why do you say lucky healers? Did you expect more deaths?
Re: Viral Mafia

Well, smart because they would know to kill off the more experienced people first. Lucky's probably a better word...

Maybe both Mafia and vig killed, one death got healed, and the other death had a lover.
Re: Viral Mafia

Well, we can keep on speculating about the deaths... In fact, maybe Mafia and vig killed, one death got healed, and the other was a revenge kill! Really, I'm not sure what to make of demonickitten's death: it could be suicide, meaning lovers; it could be someone frying them, meaning revenge; or it could be plain vig/Mafia kill or whatever, since electricity /does/ deal with computers and whatnot. Either way, we're down two players already, which is not good.

Now then, in a standard game of Mafia there are usually 3 to 4 Mafia members, yes? In that case, 3/11 or 4/11... our chances of randomly lynching Mafia are not looking very good.

Regardless, I say that we'd better move this game along as the Mafia seem relatively experienced, and in another Mafia game I was in (The Bad People Who Kill People In An Evil Manner or something like that), there were 14 players and the Mafia nabbed victory quite quickly.
Re: Viral Mafia

and in another Mafia game I was in (The Bad People Who Kill People In An Evil Manner or something like that), there were 14 players and the Mafia nabbed victory quite quickly.

=D That was a fun game, was it not? I liked my politician-y powers...

Hey, what if this game has mafia members with useful night actions, like TBPWKPIAEM? Ugh, they could have roleblockers and stuff.

Uh, anyway, yeah I think the mafia might have lost that game if the town had actually lynched someone on the first day, because then it would have been more likely for them to lynch mafia in the future. And considering that there were two deaths and this might continue, we don't exactly have much time. So...who to lynch? =/ That is always the hardest question.
Re: Viral Mafia

Well, if we've established that the Mafia seem to be experienced, we can possibly narrow our choices down to the experienced players to try and find one of them. 'Course I'm a Mafia noob and the only experienced player (I think) in this game I can recognize is sreservoir.
Re: Viral Mafia

@Emerald Espeon: Only if we have an actual idea of who to lynch, really. :I Which... well, we don't at the moment. We are kind of in a tight spot, actually.

@Blazie: iirc though in TBPWKPIAEM only one Mafia person had additional powers, and that would just be like a variable alignment person, which is rather standard. It's entirely possible that the Mafia goon(s) have powers of their own, but I'm not really seeing any indication of that so far (usually there'd be a person sleeping, or something).
Re: Viral Mafia

To add to the post I just made: That actually does not seem like such a good idea since if we lynch someone experienced who turns out to be innocent that's...not good. Hm.
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