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warpedplant vs. Totodile

Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

Round 6

warpedplant XO


Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Joe) Frillish [M] <Cursed Body>
Commands: Acid Armor ~ Rain Dance ~ Water Spout/Safeguard
Status: Edging hopefully towards the ocean.

Totodile OO


Health: 31%
Energy: 47%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Bite ~ Shadow Ball ~ Sunny Day
Status: Hooting and hollering, but still just as adorable. Attack +2, Special Attack +2, Pumped up, Badly poisoned (3% this round, 4% the next)

Applejack didn’t have to wait long for her next opponent to take the stage. A second Pokeball was quickly in warpedplant’s hand, and from within it came a wispy, fragile looking creature. In form it seemed to resemble a squid, but it showed a fair amount of cephalization. It bore a look of minor fear from the second it took its place on the battlefield, and it hardly moved excepting its four flowing tentacles. One of these tentacles seemed to be on a collision course for a larger rock resting in the sand, but the Frillish did not even look over as its limb phased through the impediment, no scratches on either stone or arm. Applejack could quickly identify her opponent as a ghost-type. That would prove to be an issue.

Still, Applejack did have a moveset she could utilize against Joe the Frillish. Scampering forward with a bit less pace than earlier in the match, she opened her mouth wide and let her baby teeth show. They were not particularly imposing at first, but as she continued to charge, a dark, fluid goop began to coat her mandibles. Joe, fresh out of his trainer’s belt, was already nervous from seeing the coming attack. When Applejack reached Joe, she hastily clamped her jaws down in the midriff of the Frillish, letting the dark energy seep into his gelatinous flesh. Applejack shook Joe around a couple of times to empty all of the liquid into his form, before she darted away. Even as the Eevee backed away, Joe continued to wince and inspect his wound. It almost looked as if he hadn’t been ready for battle in the first place.

Applejack was more than happy to accept the gift given by Joe. Now it was time to fight fire with fire, or ghost with ghost as the case may have been. A swirling ball of violet energy began to form in front of Applejack’s now spotless maw. The Eevee was doing all of the work to generate the sphere, pouring energy into it that she was not particularly familiar with. As the orb grew larger and larger its revolutions picked up speed. Finally, when Applejack felt she could control the burst no more, she fired away, the ball hurtling across the beach, kicking up sand and loose pebbles as it zoomed past. Joe hadn’t paid Applejack any heed for quite a few moments now, so he was quite shocked when this pulse came through. Unprepared, he made no attempt to dodge. As a result, he endured additional suffering, with the sphere colliding directly with the open bite wounds from the prior action. Tears started to form in Joe’s eyes, the white hot pain coming so quickly after his entrance. He held them back and blinked a couple times, absentmindedness now transforming into anger.

Flashing his trainer a reproachful look on account of the non-aggressive command he had been given, Joe nonetheless began to swish his arms and tentacles around his body, letting some ethereal power keep him balanced and rooted in place. Sea spray that had been mingling towards the battlers started to be caught up in Joe’s whipping dance. He sped up the motions and began to hum, low and long. His eyes trained on the sky, an assortment of clouds began to move in from the east, dark and brooding. One by one they moved into position in front of the comfortable sun, shading the arena slightly. As soon as the sky was entirely overcast, thick drops of water began to cascade from the sky, quickly muddying the ground and weighing down Applejack’s fur.

The Eevee was not too long deterred. Rather than let herself be hampered by the rain now pounding against her body, she instead chose to quickly shake herself out and engage in a dance of her own. Whereas Joe’s routine had been slow and fluid, Applejack’s was energetic and haphazard. She bounded across the arena, striking poses with her paws and kicking up wet sand as she started to sweat from the effort. As quickly as they had come, the rain drops plunging from the heavens started to shrink in size. Soon the frequency of their splashes diminished as well, much to the chagrin of Joe. As the rains ended entirely, the clouds dispersed as well, and in their place was a glorious look at the sun, now seeming to beat down with twice the heat as only minutes earlier. It was as if Earth had been pulled out of its regular orbit and closer to the sun with Applejack’s dance. Applejack’s coat dried off almost immediately, though the sweating certainly didn’t stop.

Joe, on the other hand, had a temper that was matching the blistering heat. He could see the droplets he had hoped to utilize evaporating before his eyes. Wasting no more time, he performed another couple of limb swirls to raise up the water he had summoned from out of the earth and off of the stones. The amount little in such a small amount of time, he reached for some sea water to compensate, bringing it up out of the ocean in an amorphous glob and having it hover in his direction. Soon he had quite a reservoir above his head, and with a tremendous upward swing of all six of his appendages, the liquid flew upwards before descending rapidly back in the direction of Applejack, all the while getting absorbed by the greedy sunbeams. The vast shower hit and drove Applejack into the earth, but she was able to quickly recover, the volume of the blast not quite as impressive as Joe might have hoped. Applejack, though quite sore, continued to grin.

End of Round 6

warpedplant XO


Health: 73%
Energy: 92%
(Joe) Frillish [M] <Cursed Body>
Status: Feeling thoroughly outwitted.

Totodile OO


Health: 18%
Energy: 30%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Status: Not letting a little water bring her down. Attack +2, Special Attack +2, Pumped up, Badly poisoned (4% this round, 5% the next)

Arena Notes:
-The sun is shining (8 more actions)

Ref Notes:
-Adaptability made everything cost more this round for Applejack
-Bite caused a flinch (which, fun fact, is the second time in two days I have reffed a dark type move flinching a male Frillish)
-Shadow Ball was a critical hit
-Totodile commands next
Great going, AJ! Let's keep doing what we can while we can. Use Shadow Ball some more, but if you can't use Shadow Ball, use Bite. If he Protects, go with Chill.

Shadow Ball/Bite/Chill x3
Woo! Second page!

Okay, start with an Icy wind to get the speed advantage. Then, use giga drain twice, to drain health.

Icy wind~Giga Drainx2
Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

Round 7

warpedplant XO


Health: 73%
Energy: 92%
(Joe) Frillish [M] <Cursed Body>
Commands: Icy Wind ~ Giga Drain x2
Status: Feeling thoroughly outwitted.

Totodile OO


Health: 18%
Energy: 30%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Shadow Ball/Bite/Chill x3
Status: Not letting a little water bring her down. Attack +2, Special Attack +2, Pumped up, Badly poisoned (4% this round, 5% the next)

Applejack knew she had limited time before she was finished, so it was her mission to inflict as much damage as she could before Joe pulled the trigger. In a flash, she conjured a new ball of violet energy, spinning in the air like some fledgling black hole. The energy ball, once released, screamed forward and singed Joe’s stretchy coating. No flames were present on the orb, but the Frillish felt as if his skin had been burned, the ectoplasmic energy utilized by his opponent carrying quite a corrosive aftertaste. Joe tried to ignore the pain and focus on his own plots.

Opening his mouth, he exhaled a gust of frigid energy, miniature ice crystals sparkling in the air before his face and travelling slowly towards Applejack. The bluster pushed Applejack backwards, her claws instinctively looking for something to grasp in the slippery sand. With nothing to brace against, the feline was gradually forced backwards by the Frillish-made zephyr. The wind chilled Applejack to the bone, and for a few moments some of the ice crystals that had hovered in the air latched on to her pristine fur, locking her limbs and hampering her movement. Within seconds, however, the crystals were gone. The beating sun that shone over the battlefield would have no ice, no matter how minute.

Joe snarled in frustration, and was promptly met by another dark sphere, this one an impressive headshot that nearly flung him head over tentacles. He did manage to hold his ground and his frown, which only entertained Applejack. Alas, Joe was still committed. He reached forward with all of his tentacles, almost like some biomagnetic force were drawing him towards Applejack. At first, the Eevee felt nothing, but with a frightened mewl she cringed as small green orbs began to separate from her body, carrying her literal lifeforce. She could feel this vitality being sucked away, but she was helpless to stop it. Each of the orbs, smaller than Applejack’s Shadow Balls, floated towards Joe’s outstretched limbs, where they were absorbed, replenishing his own power. As the onslaught finished, Applejack nearly fell on her face, now so weak.

Still, she was able to muster enough within herself to send a final shadowy orb towards Joe. This last ball, still flying with the same considerable velocity, finally managed to make a mark on Joe’s skin. The invisible flames scorched away some of Joe’s skin, leaving his gelatinous mass dangerously exposed. Trying to cover the blemish with his arms, he again reached his tentacles towards Applejack, this time intent on finishing his job. More green motes began to make the trek from one side of the beach to the other, but soon the orbs no longer appeared. As the flow stopped, Applejack finally succumbed to the pain, and fell awkwardly into the dune, waiting for her trainer to recall her.

End of Round 7

warpedplant XO


Health: 37% [CAPPED]
Energy: 78%
(Joe) Frillish [M] <Cursed Body>
Status: Happy, but still aware of the situation. Special Defense -1

Totodile XO


Health: 0%
Energy: 12%
(Applejack) Eevee [F] <Adaptability> @Lucky Egg
Status: KO’d!

Arena Notes:
-The sun is shining (5 more actions)

Ref Notes:
-Again, each Shadow Ball cost extra energy due to Adaptability
-Due to the sultry conditions, Icy Wind’s added effect of lowering speed did not come into effect. For reference, I ref speed increases and decreases in 10 point increments, so even if the effect had come into play, Applejack would still have been faster
-The final Shadow Ball lowered Special Defense
-Joe hit the Damage Cap on the third action, but was able to recover some of the health lost thanks to the Giga Drains
-The final Giga Drain recovered less than the normal amount of health, as Applejack had less than 7% of her health remaining
-Totodile sends out, then warpedplant commands next
Applejack, you are a beast and I love you. Great work!

Let's see ... I think I'll go with Wrath this time.
Huh. Frilish knows pain split? And i didn't ban it?

Okay, start with pain split. if she protects, acid armor, then pain split later. If she attacks, wait until she attacks before using pain split. Once you get done with that, use ice beam.

Pain Split (Wait)/Acid Armor~Pain Split (Wait)/Ice Beam~Ice Beam
All right, it looks like he'll be waiting to see what see what we do and so is letting us go first, which is nice of him. Set up a Sub to start off with, then fire off some Dark Pulses. If you can't use Dark Pulse on the third action, use Crunch instead.

Substitute (10%) ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse/Crunch
All right, it looks like he'll be waiting to see what see what we do and so is letting us go first, which is nice of him.

Actually, the plan was to wait until after you attacked to make destiny bond more effective. didn't really work out, as you went with substitute.
Format:2 vs 2
DQ:One week.
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO, Direct healing.
Arena Description: Odd Cove

A fairly basic arena. Takes place on an ordinary beach littered with rocks for moves like rock throw, though not to the extent that they should get in the way. The battle takes place close enough to the ocean to use it for attacks, but far enough so that it won't come into play unless someone invokes it on purpose. On the other side are large cliffs, shielding the combatants from the wind.

Additional Rules: Only stage 1 of 3 and stage 1 of 2 Pokemon are usable.

Round 8

warpedplant XO


Health: 37%
Energy: 78%
(Joe) Frillish [M] <Cursed Body>
Commands: Pain Split/Acid Armor ~ Pain Split/Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam
Status: Happy, but still aware of the situation. Special Defense -1

Totodile XO


Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
(Wrath) Deino [F] <Hustle> @Lucky Egg
Commands: Substitute (10%) ~ Dark Pulse ~ Dark Pulse/Crunch
Status: Hastily ramming into things to get a feel for her surroundings.

Applejack was absorbed back into her Pokeball, her trainer wishing a speedy recovery. Totodile was eager for a quick turnaround, so there was no delay in a replacement for Applejack taking the field. Wrath the Deino was next up. Having no eyes, she spent no time surveying the arena, instead electing to barge into as many objects as she could in her general vicinity. Joe absentmindedly let one of his tentacles brush the sand, and Wrath immediately perked up and turned towards the Frillish. She gave a few sniffs at the air and scuffed at the ground, doing her best to mark the position of her opponent. Arena vaguely sketched in her head and enemy identified, Wrath was ready to roll.

Both Pokemon were nearly even when it came to speed, but Joe had been ordered to wait and watch for a specific moment. That he did, leveling an unblinking stare at Wrath, who had no idea she was being so closely inspected. Oblivious, Wrath began to hoard some sand together, digging deep past the burnt grains on top to access the wet particles that would better mold together. Joe, still unsure of his opponent’s intentions, could not yet move. When Wrath amassed enough material and did not decide to fling it at Joe, sculpting it instead, Joe decided it was time to take his calculated risk. He began to prepare a mental probe, one he could send towards Wrath so as to form a mental connection between the two. He was in a race against time, trying to frantically find a way through to the Deino’s primitive brain. Wrath pummelled away at the mound of sand before her, doing her best to carve a likeness. She was definitely no artist, so as she finished the sculpture, it was clear that only the rudimentary features had been shaped. There were four legs, a head, and a sausage like horn. Wrath was content. As Joe continued to try and suck it away, Wrath began to pour some of her own lifeforce back into the doll. It was a small amount, luckily not enough to give the figure a concept of beauty standards, but just the right amount to allow it to stand upright and hobble into the way of oncoming attacks. Just as the dummy was completed, Joe managed to infiltrate Wrath’s brain, immediately encountering thoughts driven by pure rage as much as logic or instinct. He experienced this hateful mindscape for only a fleeting second. The substitute jammed Joe’s connection with Wrath’s thoughts, and he was promptly tossed back into his own, aching, self.

Joe was happy to attack anything that got in his way, now grasping for straws. Rearing up, he started to generate a ball of icy-blue energy, nearly the same shade as the frilly trim on his arms. When the ball had grown to nearly the size of his head, he let it burst open, releasing a beam of the exact same colour that shot across the beach towards Wrath. Naturally, the Deino did not see it coming, but her comrade in arms did, playing the hero and diving in front of the beam. The piece of art proved to be very short lived, as the beam absolutely annihilated the sculpture, throwing globs of sand every which way. A couple struck Wrath, making her believe that she had perhaps been victimized by a Sand Attack. Under this impression she grinned back at Joe, obviously not able to be blinded any more.

Trying to be optimistic in her own ignorance, Wrath struck back at Joe with a blast of her own. Channelling her anger into a concentrated force, she roared as a wave of midnight-black energy exploded from her body, sweeping over the sand in every direction. The pulse washed over Joe and made him shiver. The burn on his side from Applejack’s last gasp still stung, especially after he was struck by the vindictive burst. Wrath couldn’t tell whether her attack had been successful, Joe having not made any audible complaint. Still, she was confident that such a wave would surely have struck. Joe didn’t give Wrath much time to think her attack over. He immediately retaliated with another icy laser that hurtled towards the Deino. This time, Wrath had no shield to protect her. The beam collided with her blue flank, nearly knocking her off balance and into the sand. She managed to dig in her feet and stay upright, much to Joe’s chagrin.

Wrath thought back to her trainer’s orders and prepared herself for another attack. Strangely, she realized that her trainer had ordered her to perform a move that she surely couldn’t use. Oddly enough, the words seemed familiar, but she was quite positive that “Dark Pulse” wasn’t anything she had ever been taught. Clearly her trainer had been prepared, giving her another command to work with if she needed. Still, as she charged forward she couldn’t help but be slightly befuddled. Not knowing exactly where Joe was, Wrath followed the temperature, the air where the Ice Beam had travelled still frigid and housing a few stray ice crystals that had yet to be eliminated by the beating sun. As she sprinted across the dunes she opened her mouth wide and let black energy spill down and cover each of her teeth, leaving them as black as her fur. She ran into Joe teeth first, and was ready to sink her jaws into the Frillish when she made contact. She managed to bite Joe right at the joint between tentacle and midriff, causing the creature to squirm with pain. Wrath did not linger long in her chomp, backing away as soon as she felt the dark energy had been exhausted. As she wandered back to her place in the sand she went through another moment of bewilderment. She could remember clearly having just inflicted damage upon Joe, but for the life of her she had no idea how she had done it. Incredibly nervous from the sudden onset of amnesia, Wrath was strapped for confidence as she went back to listen to the next orders from her trainer.

End of Round 8



Health: 6%
Energy: 67%
(Joe) Frillish [M] <Cursed Body>
Status: Flipping in and out of consciousness. Special Defense -1

Totodile XO


Health: 77%
Energy: 89%
(Wrath) Deino [F] <Hustle> @Lucky Egg
Status: Petrified. Crunch disabled (3 more actions), Dark Pulse disabled (2 more actions)

Arena Notes:
-The sun is shining (2 more actions)

Ref Notes:
-Pain Split was blocked by Wrath’s substitute
-Cursed Body finally came into play this round, affecting both Dark Pulse and Crunch
-Totodile commands next
Last edited:
Ho boy. Well, keep throwing stuff at him. If he Protects, use Work Up.

Bite/Work Up ~ Dragon Pulse/Work Up ~ Dark Pulse/Work Up
-The Substitute/Pain Split situation was a tough judgement call. Eventually, I went with the perceived durations of the moves. I ref Substitute as taking a fair amount of time, involving a Pokemon needing to amass a resource, sculpt it into a likeness of themselves, and give it some health to work with. On the contrary, I feel like Pain Split would be nearly instantaneous, and would also be enough of a shock to stop a Pokemon from constructing a Substitute. Also considering the fact that Joe is a smidgeon faster than Wrath, I thought it plausible for Joe to realize that Wrath was not going to attack him and start the Pain Split before Wrath’s substitute was completed.

Sorry to butt in, but that's not going to fly. When a Pokémon is given commands contingent on what its opponent is going to do that action, the trainer is giving up the chance for their Pokémon to move first in its priority bracket unless there are special circumstances like a significant speed difference combined with orders that are very quick to execute (and have been ordered to be carried out in a way to cut off the opponent). The speed difference here is almost nonexistent (only 2 points of speed in Joe's favour) and further, he wasn't specifically warned about Substitute, so it would have taken him even longer to puzzle out what to do. Pain Split and Substitute are in the same priority bracket, so Substitute can't be taking so long to execute that a slower Pokémon could use a move in the same priority bracket before it's finished.

Totodile may not mind, but the damage difference here is pretty significant and we definitely can't be setting a precedent with this, so I'm going to have to ask for that part to be reworked.
Sorry to butt in, but that's not going to fly. When a Pokémon is given commands contingent on what its opponent is going to do that action, the trainer is giving up the chance for their Pokémon to move first in its priority bracket unless there are special circumstances like a significant speed difference combined with orders that are very quick to execute (and have been ordered to be carried out in a way to cut off the opponent). The speed difference here is almost nonexistent (only 2 points of speed in Joe's favour) and further, he wasn't specifically warned about Substitute, so it would have taken him even longer to puzzle out what to do. Pain Split and Substitute are in the same priority bracket, so Substitute can't be taking so long to execute that a slower Pokémon could use a move in the same priority bracket before it's finished.

Totodile may not mind, but the damage difference here is pretty significant and we definitely can't be setting a precedent with this, so I'm going to have to ask for that part to be reworked.

Point taken, but can there be some kind of compromise? I can see where you're coming from (and what Totodile's intention was), but the issue I see stems from the independence of the Pokemon. In warpedplant's commands, I interpreted "attacks" as being physical or special moves that Wrath used (a status inflicting move or something along those lines would have been another judgement call). I feel like Joe should have had the common sense to figure out that Wrath was not going in for a direct attack, as he had been ordered to watch out for, after Wrath had begun to construct her substitute. It seems silly to me that he would wait for the entire process of creating a substitute before realizing that he didn't need to pause in the first place. Of course, he wouldn't have noticed right away, but a Deino attacking seems like it would be fairly obvious after a few seconds, and in the flavour I did mention that Joe waited until Wrath actually started molding her substitute before using Pain Split.

Something like awarding Joe only partial recovery would make sense to me if that sounds better, but just negating the move entirely doesn't seem logical. I guess it just doesn't feel right for a substitute to be built instantaneously, or for a partially built substitute to still block a move entirely.
Point taken, but can there be some kind of compromise? I can see where you're coming from (and what Totodile's intention was), but the issue I see stems from the independence of the Pokemon. In warpedplant's commands, I interpreted "attacks" as being physical or special moves that Wrath used (a status inflicting move or something along those lines would have been another judgement call). I feel like Joe should have had the common sense to figure out that Wrath was not going in for a direct attack, as he had been ordered to watch out for, after Wrath had begun to construct her substitute. It seems silly to me that he would wait for the entire process of creating a substitute before realizing that he didn't need to pause in the first place. Of course, he wouldn't have noticed right away, but a Deino attacking seems like it would be fairly obvious after a few seconds, and in the flavour I did mention that Joe waited until Wrath actually started molding her substitute before using Pain Split.

Something like awarding Joe only partial recovery would make sense to me if that sounds better, but just negating the move entirely doesn't seem logical. I guess it just doesn't feel right for a substitute to be built instantaneously, or for a partially built substitute to still block a move entirely.

Unfortunately no, not in this case. Their base speeds are already so close together that some refs would be randomizing who acts first even in the normal case. Substitute isn't a negative-priority move, so it can't be taking such a long time to perform, and Pain Split isn't a positive-priority move, so it can't be happening instantaneously, either. The gray area between the priorities is for very obviously speedy moves (Agility, for instance) with a small speed difference, when those moves are explicitly commanded to be used in a reactive way. It's weird, yeah, that Substitute doesn't take as long as you'd think, just as there are several other weird things where, for example, a quick hit with Aerial Ace and something much slower like Sheer Cold both take an action even though seemingly you could get off more than one Aerial Ace in the time it takes to prep a Sheer Cold. This is a place where we'll have to stick with established rules, and it's very well established that when a Pokémon's orders are conditional on its opponent's actions it will be moving second. How discrete and separated Pokémon's moves should be has always been a pretty tricky area to navigate, but we do need to draw the line somewhere, and this situation happens to fall on the other side of it.

It's not really about the independence of Pokémon. I think it'll feel more logical if you're not having Pain Split happen instantaneously, because, as I said, it's not a positive priority move so no matter what it can't be happening that fast. Joe would probably be frantically trying to prepare his move, hoping to get it off before Wrath completed her Substitute, but to ultimately no avail since he hesitated for those few precious seconds to see what Wrath was going to do.
Alright, I can get behind Eifie's explanation with regards to priority (and not wanting to destroy precedent), so the reffing has been edited and is now much shorter for everyone's convenience. That is most definitely a change in health percentages, so feel free to reorder Totodile.

Apologies for the confusion.
Thank you!

Okay, we're right on the edge here. He's still faster than us, so we'll have to be careful. If he tries to use Pain Split, go with Protect. If he doesn't, hit him with the move that's sure to hit him, Shock Wave - but if he Protects, make a Substitute. Only use Substitute once, though.

Protect/Shock Wave/Substitute (10%)
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