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Open Warriors: Dark and Light


Back in action!
It was a misty night.
Ashbird took cover in the damp fog and crept out softly towards the border. Everyone had just gone to sleep.
Carefully, she searched for Duststripe. Where was he?
His muscular shape appeared from the grassy area of the marsh.
Ashbird felt guilty for this, even though emotion was very powerful. ThunderClan had been known for their loyalty, and she was the first one in a while to break it. ShadowClan, Duststripe's Clan, never were too faithful in the warrior code, but stuck to it, at least.
Suddenly, pawsteps sounded from the marsh.

"Who's there?"

Ashbird and Duststripe, with their kit, Lightning, have been exiled and killed. Only Lightning survived. He was taken in by a female kittypet, and raised with her own kit, Setsuna. One day, they explored into the forest, clueless about ShadowClan and ThunderClan's fighting, and came across WindClan. A she-cat from WindClan, Darkspots, knew Duststripe from a Gathering, but led Lightning and Setsuna to the WindClan camp anyway. Setsuna was accepted into the Clan, but Lightning was sent away to join ShadowClan, where his father lived. No one knew he was half ThunderClan except the current deputy, Nightstream. She had always been cruel to him, but mentored him as Lightningpaw anyway. He was told about the battle of ShadowClan and ThunderClan, known as Thundershadow's Reign, since Thundershadow was the leader of ShadowClan's warrior name. Now, Thunderstar is battling against the clan with his name, hoping to take it over or wipe it out.

Your role:
Your role in this roleplay is to join one of the following Clans:

ThunderClan is hungry for battle against ShadowClan. They are known for their strength and loyalty. They have a variety of appearances and pelts.
ShadowClan want to fight ThunderClan, and possibly take them over. They are known for their cunningness and their ability to hunt at night. They usually have muscular builds, piercing eyes, and dark-colored pelts.
RiverClan want to stop the fighting and regain peace in the forest once more. They are known for their skill at fishing and ability to swim. They have a variety of appearances and pelts.
WindClan are trying to stop the almost constant battle between ThunderClan and ShadowClan. They are known for their speed and quick-thinking. They usually have lean builds, and have a variety of pelts.

Whose side will you choose?

Rules: Just because they are in order of importance doesn't mean you shouldn't follow them all!

1. No godmoding. This is probably the most important rule in Warriors-based RPs. This also means no bunnying, which is also known as powerplaying, and no Mary-Sue characters.
2. No railroading. We have a set plot here, and please don't change it spontaneously and make it go your way. PM me first if you ever want to change the plot.
3. You may have as many characters as you like, but have a variety of allegiances and don't stuff them all into one Clan, okay?
4. Please post at least twice a week. I don't want this thread based off my NaNoWriMo to die, so please do so, and tell me if you will be unable to. Failing to post at least twice a week will result in a warning, then if you do not post within three days of the warning, your character(s) will be killed off. If you make the time limit but fail to post twice a week again, there will be no warning before your player is killed off. Please only sign up for this if you can be active. 5. Don't prove you read the rules. I don't want to see any confirmation words, please. Actually, I'm just kidding. Put the word star, or something like it, such as starlight, StarClan, etc. in your sign up, but don't make it obvious, okay?
5. On time setting: This takes place about the time of the book The Darkest Hour. However, in this RP, Fireheart didn't exist, so the plot is different.
6. On Darkspots, Lightningpaw, Setsuna (Flamepaw), Nightstream, and Thunderstar: You may make them one of your characters, but ask me first, please.
7. On Warrior names: Two parts; you can find possible name parts here. Leaders' names must end in "star" unless you have not received nine lives from StarClan yet. Kits' names end in "kit," apprentices' in "paw." You may also create new name parts, but don't make them too crazy.

Members: (Bolded characters are main characters.)

Reserved: None

Medicine Cat:
Silverpaw/Darksong (Mentor: Troutfeather)

Sandshadow/Shiny Spoink
Medicine Cat:
Echopaw/mumei_tensai (needs mentor)

Leader: Rainstar/Darksong
Medicine Cat:
Warriors: Hazelstripe/Darksong

Leader: Runningstar/Cryptica
Deputy: Owlwing/Cryptica
Medicine Cat:
Goldenclaw/shadow_lugia (Apprentice: Flamepaw)
Flamepaw (Setsuna)/Mewtwo (mentor: Goldenclaw)
Rosepaw/Thunderfox (mentor: Yellowscar)


Gender: (Male or Female)
Clan: (You may be a rogue)
Rank: (if apprentice, put mentor in parentheses)
Personality: (May be PO)

My Characters:

Name: Rainstar

Gender: Female

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Leader

Appearance: Black-and-white she-cat (see my avatar for her face)

Personality: PO

History: She was born late, and so was a bit larger than normal. She grew slowly, though, so now she's of average size. Her mother died in a fox attack. She has all nine lives.

Other: nothing.

Name: Hazelstripe

Gender: Female

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Warrior

Appearance: Brindle-patterned she-cat with white ear-tips, paws, and tail-tip, and green eyes.

Personality: Serious but outgoing, Hazelstripe always follows her leader's orders. She has a strong belief in StarClan.

History: Hazelstripe was always a bouncy cat, and was never very good at hunting prey until Heavystep taught her how. She was not his apprentice, but rather a partner in hunting. She has a strong friendship with him.

Other: nothing.


Name: Silverpaw

Gender: Female

Clan: ThunderClan

Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice (Mentor: Troutfeather)

Appearance: Long-furred silver she-cat with blue eyes.

Personality: Silverpaw is laid-back and unenthusiastic, not really caring about anything. She prefers training to anything else, however. She especially enjoys sorting the herbs in the den.

History: She was born early in the spring, when it was still slightly cold, and grew a long pelt. She had never really learned to be friends with others, and doesn't build very strong relationships. She had never really believed in StarClan, either, until miraculously, she received a dream that hinted the future. Since then, she has switched from warrior to medicine cat practice.

Other: Finally, long post has come "two" an end :D
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Setsuna isn't the most important character, but she's the star of WindClan! She's an apprentice of WindClan, though, so call her [something]paw, not Setsuna. It doesn't have to be Flamepaw, but that's what I put on the first post, in case you couldn't think of an idea.
Name: Owlwing
Gender: Male
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Deputy
Appearance: Owlwing is a long, slender tortoiseshell tom. Almost all of his brown and black splotches are on the rear half of his body. The front half is mostly white. His eyes are round and amber, like an owl's.
Personality: PO
History: Owlwing was born into WindClan as Owlkit; for that was what had passed overhead at that moment. He lived a hyper life for six moons until he became an apprentice, Owlpaw. Over time in training, he seemed to calm down in general personality as he gained skill and strength. Now he's a loyal deputy to the leader of WindClan.
Other: Are we in the first or second territory star?

Name: Runningstar
Gender: Female
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Leader
Appearance: Runningstar has a short, black pelt and blue eyes.
Personality: PO
History: Runningstar, as a kit and to this day, loves running around helping her Clan. Her apprenticeship was a successful one and, though she sustained many injuries, she lived to be the deputy Runningflight, and soon after, Runningstar.
Other: Starry-oom, badaboom-hi.
Name: Goldenclaw
Gender: Female
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Goldenclaw has bright yellow (gold) fur and amber eyes that glimmer like stars.
Personality: Goldenclaw is courageous and determined (the two virtues mentioned in her warrior ceremony). She easily gets frightened, but does her best to hide it from everyone, including herself. She follows orders, but tries to convince the orders to change if she has a better idea.
History: Er... She grew up in WindClan and is still there. Story over.
Other: Setsuna's mentor if accepted by Mewtwo.

Name: Rainshadow
Gender: Male
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Rainshadow is a dark gray cat with green eyes. He has a scar in between his eyes.
Personality: Rainshadow is disapproving of most anything that comes his way. He has few friends as he discourages everyone he dares (a.k.a. not leader, deputy, or medicine cat/medicine cat apprentice)
History: Rainshadow was originally born into WindClan. However, he believed his Clan was too soft, but couldn't do anything about it, as he was only an apprentice at the time. One day, while out on a hunting solo, he mistakingly crossed the ShadowClan border and caught two mice. A hostile ShadowClan patrol came across him and took him back to their camp, where he was taken prisoner for almost a moon. He earned the right to resume training when he went into a battle against ThunderClan, and is thus older than most warriors of his status.
Other: He doesn't really believe in StarClan, but has memorized their laws and traditions well, as to avoid suspiscion.
Name: Eaglewing
Gender: Male
Clan: ShadowClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Eaglewing is a small dark brown tabby tom with light amber eyes.
Personality: Eaglewing had some very interesting adventures as a kit, during which he forcefully butted heads with a particularly stubborn ShadowClan cat, and this has helped develop his personality to become stubborn himself and not at all afraid to speak his mind. He jumps into everything paws-first and insists on arguing when another warrior doesn't agree with him. Despite his apparent hastiness, he's still quite witty and thoughtful, and he also bears extreme loyalty to his Clan. He was mentioned in his warrior ceremony for determination and loyalty.
History: Eaglewing's sister died when they were both kits, but his sister - Flowkit - still visits him from StarClan occasionally, for the bond between the kits was unusually strong and became even more so during the events which shaped his life as a kit. He also had a relationship of his own with a ThunderClan cat named Lakestorm for a while, until the last time he saw Lakestorm, which was when she gave him her kits to take back to the Clan - Flowkit (yes, the fact that this Flowkit has the same name as the StarClan Flowkit is intentional) and Poolkit.
Other: This isn't related to Eaglewing per se, but Flowkit and Poolkit are currently nursed by a ShadowClan queen and are nearing six moons old. Anyone who wants to can control them.

Question: You mentioned Fireheart not existing. So did everything go as it did in the series minus Fireheart being around or so Tigerstar (forgot his original name) still part of ThunderClan/did he suceed in his plan?
May i?

Name: Thunderstar
Gender: Male
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Leader

Personality: PO
History: May i post later...? ((Dinner time))
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Jason-Kun: As it went, but without Fireheart. Most of the main characters in Erin Hunter's Warriors series don't exist in this RP.

Shiny Spoink: Reserved.

All but Midnight: Accepted.

Midnight. I'm sorry I didn't make it clear. Thunderstar is the ShadowClan leader. I know he has the same name as the ThunderClan leader... I didn't realize until a few minutes ago XD Would you like to be in ShadowClan, or do you want to have a different character in ThunderClan?
Thunderstar is the leader of ShadowClan, so Thunderstar can't be the name of ThunderClan's leader.

EDIT: Postninja'd.
By the way, Mewtwo, Setsuna is supposed to be an orange she-cat who's been good at running since she was born.
And don't forget, she has an apprentice name :)
The rest you can make up.
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Oh, I'm on, my mentor is accepted!

Name: Flamepaw
Gender: She-cat
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Apprentice(Goldenclaw)
Appearance: (Is she all orange? Or an orange tabby?) Her appearance is however she is supposed to look like.
Personality: PO
History: She was born into the world with the name Setsuna as a kittypet. As she grew up, that found another kit and they were both raised by their mother. Later on, the went exploring and Setsuna was accepted into the Windclan as Flamepaw, but the other cat went of to who knows where.
Other: Stars are preeety~
Name: Darkheart
Gender: She-cat (Female)
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Queen
Appearance: Darkheart is a pure black she-cat, with bright yellow eyes. Her build is lean.
Personality: Darkheart is harsh and sharp-tounged, but sweet and caring towards her kit. She doesn't like to talk about her past very much.
History: Darkheart was born to two feirce warriors, a she-cat named Tigerfoot and a tom named Badgerclaw. Badgerclaw was originally a warrior from WindClan, but left his Clan when Flamepaw came. He had a mate in WindClan named Foxfeather, but the two sadly left eachother after realizing they weren't quite in love as the thought.
Darkheart had a mentor named Disasterclaw, whom she adored and secretly had a crush on. Disasterclaw was her best friend, also, and she was devestated to see him die as he defended her from an angry badger. Darkheart mourned for moons, and was given a new mentor, a she-cat named Snowbelly. Snowbelly became an elder after Darkheart was given her warrior name, and passed away of old age.
While hunting on her own one day, she came across a loner. His name was Brandon. Brandon and Darkheart fought on that spot, but the scuffle ended when Brandon ended up pinning Darkheart to the ground with Darkheart's claws about to rake his belly. The she-cat admired him for his strength and the two met up often. Soon, Darkheart was expecting kits. She hated herself for ever meeting them afterwards and they decided not to meet ever again.
Darkheart kitted exactly five moons ago, and her kit, Redkit, is soon going to be an apprentice.
Other: Darkheart has a half-brother in WindClan named Yellowscar, but she doesn't know it yet. She also likes to gaze at the stars, wondering if Disasterclaw is watching her from afar.

Name: Redkit
Gender: Tome (Male)
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Kit, soon to be an apprentice
Appearance: Redkit has dark red fur, splotched with brown. He has one green eye and one blue eye, the same as his father. His fur is very fluffy, and unkept.
Personality: Redkit is a ball of energy, always darting around and getting into trouble. He seems to find it amusing to annoy other members of ThunderClan and looks up to Silverpaw, wanting to become a mentor as soon as possible himself.
History: Redkit was born to Darkheart and a loner named Brandon five moons ago. He's only once wandered out of the camp, and when he did so, he ended up heading straight back only twenty seconds afterwards because he tripped over a tree root.
Other: Nothin' special, but he likes to stare at stars.

Name: Yellowscar
Gender: Tom
Clan: WindClan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Yellowscar has dark orange fur, yellow rings around his tail and pale yellow eyes. He's somewhat bulky and huge for a WindClan cat, but still has speed.
Personality: Yellowscar dispises having Flamepaw in the Clan, because she was born a kittypet. However, he shows respect to her so that she doesn't expect anything. He's very ambitious and plans to become deputy after Runningstar retires or dies. To do so, he is very polite and kind to Owlwing. Yellowscar also has a hatred towards ThunderClan cats because his father left him as an apprentice to join them.
History: Yellowscar was left by his father as an apprentice to join ThunderClan after Flamepaw joined WindClan, and blames this on her. His mother, Fowfeather, took a new mate named Heavyflight and they had a she-kit named Firekit. Firekit died of sickness at the age of two moons, and Heavyflight was mauled to death by dogs. Foxfeather died of old age.
Yellowscar was mentored by Sunmist, an old tom cat. Sunmist died of old age after Yellowscar became a warrior, which deeply saddened to young tom. However, he shook away his depression and moved on.
Yellowscar learned of Badgerfoot having another kit with a she-cat in ThunderClan and was enraged, swearing he'd meet this young she-kit and kill her. Thankfully, no-one knows of his fury towards ThunderClan.
Other: He wonders if there really is a thing such as StarClan, but believes in them for now. He also is thinking of taking Goldenclaw as a mate, if shadow_lugia is okay with that.
Shadow_lugia: Fixed.

MewXCharmeleonXEevee: Both accepted.

We need leaders, deputies and medicine cats, so I'm urging others to join as those so we can start.
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