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Warriors Fan Club

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Because Jaykit doesn't appear until The Sight, it's not really spoiling anything. Also...maybe you got a later release or something? *shrugs*
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Is it a paperback copy? If it is, that would make sense, then. My old paperback The Darkest Hour had a preview for Midnight, even though when the hardcover was published I don't think they had yet planned a second series (and it shows: there is no such excerpt in my hardcover copy).
leafpool have you seen the 2 covers for rising storm ? what is up with that.what is your favorite seies.
Leafpool have you seen the 2 covers for Rising Storm? What is up with that? By the way, what is your favorite series?
Fixed. :3

Assuming you're talking to everyone, mine is The New Prophecy. So far.*shifty eyes*

I haven't read anything past Starlight, plus Firestar's Quest.
leafpool have you seen the 2 covers for rising storm ? what is up with that.what is your favorite seies.

Apparently Cloudtail "didn't look fierce enough" or something. Not that Sandstorm looks any better. I spent like ten minutes staring at my hardcover RS when it arrived.

Favorite series? In all honesty I'd have to see Po3. I know the first is the "original" and all that, but I'm more into the third series since... well... I'm reading it as it's released, whereas not the first series or the second (other than the Twilight cliffhanger...). It's also more epic than I would have ever dared to imagine from The Sight (which isn't that great until you reread with the rest, really). :/
^ Yes, there are: hardcover and paperback.

Apparently some people are getting Long Shadows early. o.O I didn't check the topic, so I'm not sure where the person in question lives (I know Canadians have been getting their books a couple days early since at least The Sight), but you may want to go check your local bookstore anyway.

I'm not. I'm waiting 'til Tuesday, and I don't want to get my hopes up.

Meanwhile, I'm passing the time by writing NaNo, stories about warriors in marching bands, calculating my sanity level through means of stuff from my algebra class, rejoicing about the party in French on Tuesday, shaking with fear for the fact that I'll find out on Tuesday when I have to public speak (and dress up for the occasion), rereading Po3, drawing pictures of cats (usually /the/ Three, but I also did one of Firestar and one of a sleeping cat on a rug on Christmas - and I colored it), randomly calculating my favorite Warriors books, planning elaborate scenes for the future of the marching-cats fanfic, staring at the Dark River cover and marveling at how Heatherpaw's color seems to change under different light and how right now it looks like barbecue chips, trying to figure out some of the confusing stuff in Outcast, and sleeping.

All I am doing is reading the twilight sereies,some kid is taking forever reading ecipse at my school...Mayby you can get long shadows on ebay *checks*
EDIT:You can get it off of ebay but you have to preorder it
I'm getting Long Shadows on Tuesday. Oh, and which cover of Rising Storm do you like better? I prefer hardcover. And, asuming whoever asked which series is your favorite was talking to everyone, I like PoT the best. (Eclipse rocked, and Long Shadows better live up to the exerpt. Not that I doubt that or anything. *is shot*)
(Eclipse rocked, and Long Shadows better live up to the exerpt. Not that I doubt that or anything. *is shot*)

Long Shadows, by the look of it, is the most epic Warriors book to date. Just ctrl + f Long Shadows.

(also check out the very first question :D)

By the way, I don't remember when this was shown - but at some point, whether it was an author chat or something else, a claim was made that "the biggest secret ever in Warriors would be revealed at the end of Long Shadows". <3

EDIT: For Tailsy: "Lakestorm: Hey Vicky! Someone In Scotland Who Orders Warriors Books Off Amazon 'cause That's How Obsessed She Is Says Hi!"

yeah uh it's actually in all caps, but the chatroom did weird things to words in all caps at the time.

... 100+ people all on the chatroom at once does weird things to brains and composure.
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Wait, which picture are you talking about? o.o
the soft copy one with the second cat next to fireheart. i am still keeping my record of getting all the books the day they come out. tomorrow my dad is taking meright after school(my dad works at my school music teacher)to barnes and nobles!
when you get long shadows check the back to see what the next book will be then find ou when it is coming out(i think it will be march hopefully before my birthday 3-6-08
... We've known for a while now that its name is Sunrise (the cover's somewhere in the last few pages) and it's coming out April 21st.
I finished Long Shadows.

... *stumbles away from the bed she was reading on, begins to hyperventilate and laugh like a maniac*

What. The Hell. What the hell what the hell what the hell what the hell WHAT THE HELL



I can't think coherently. I honestly can't. All my initial thoughts about the book - Tawnypelt and her kits, the false sign, my laughing at Jaypaw and Jay's Wing, and the knowledge that I was closer than I thought when I believed he had been reincarnated from Rock. He. Was. An ancient. Cat. He was. He was Jay's Wing and he went in the tunnels and there was a weirdo cycle... he found out that the ancient cats went to the mountains so he decided that they should go to the mountains and... and......

I've gone mentally insane. I did. I've been laughing like a maniac, screaming, crashing into walls, stumbling around drunk, collapsing on the ground...

And it appears that my beliefs were wrong. The only person on W&W that believed the theory with such a passion as I... and now...

They're not Squirrelflight's kits.

Ashfur was the traitor.

And now he's dead.

... it didn't say whose kits they really are, but I suppose it's obvious, isn't it?

... I think I just died.
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