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Warriors Fan Club

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...I don't know what to say o.o;

...Either the Erins are out of their mind, or they have something planned...and I'm think the first one...

Because my sister has no money.

You lucky people.
i got the book unfortunatly i want to finish a book i am reading now. so say nothing about it OR DIE!!!
Take it easy, we're good at marking things with spoiler tags. xD *needs to get Long Shadows*
Gwaaaaaaaaaa! I won't get to read long shadows untill monday (I have no school for the rest of the week and i depend on my library for books) And some kid who is a slow reader has eclipse.
Noooooooo! The library dosen't have Long Shadows yet! I reserved the Tigerstar manga insted, and it should come in by Monday:)
Okay, for those of you that have read Long Shadows already, I have a question. xD

It's about the connection between Jayfeather and Jay's Wing. I can understand well enough that the cat that emerged from the tunnels was not Jay's Wing but in fact Jayfeather, with all his ThunderClan memories and all, but my question is... well... In my mind there are two distinct cats. There is Jay's Wing and then there is Jayfeather. Jayfeather is Jay's Wing to a certain extent, although the cat that went into the tunnels and the cat that came out are not the same cat. The cat that went in was the Jay's Wing, the cat that came out was Jayfeather masquerading as Jay's Wing. So my question is... well, if Jayfeather did not dream up the events prior to his experience in the tunnels, then that means he can't exactly be the same cat that entered the tunnels, can he? So my question is, if that's the case, what happened to the original Jay's Wing - the one who entered the tunnels but did not come out (as it was Jayfeather that came out)?

If this theory is correct, and when Jayfeather dreamt of himself as Jay's Wing with the ancient cats he actually was there, in the past, living the first time Jay's Wing emerged from the tunnels (if that makes any sense), then that means we have a time-travelling cat.

... Does anybody else get what I'm saying here?

I love Jayfeather when he's Jay's Wing. I freaking /cried/ when he had to leave Half Moon without saying goodbye, and then I cried when he's all "The three have come home" (happy-crying, though). That's the fourth time I've cried from Warriors.

Also, I believe that Lionblaze and Hollyleaf, when they were members of the ancient Tribe alongside Jayfeather/Jay's Wing, were called Blazing Lion and Green Holly. xD I believe that Lionblaze was with the third Tribe, the one we don't know what happened to, and Hollyleaf was with the to-be-Clans Tribe.

... I'd like a detailed response to this. xD
I have not read Long Shadows yet (DARN MY INABILITY TO GO TO A BOOKSTORE ON VACATION!) but I have a theory. A somewhat odd theory.

Okay, I know that one of the three tribes that lived by the lake was the Tribe of Rushing Water. I think SkyClan was one of the ancient tribes, too. Think about it. They didn't have territory next to Fourtrees, they were never mentioned in the SotC part where the clans were created, the other leaders kicked them out easily enough (remember how quick the Tribe of Rushing Water thought aboout leaving the mountians?), and they didn't have much trouble forgetting their belief in StarClan.

Oh, and I wonder when we'll find out about the third tribe?
they were never mentioned in the SotC part where the clans were created

Apparently Skystar/an original SkyClan leader did exist, but SotC was released before Firestar's Quest and thus the authors didn't want to give anything away. There is a special edition about the early Clans to be released sometime in the future - perhaps we'll know then.
Flametail die of epic win that is LS.

And Flametail must respond to Leafpool.

I think my nonsense understands your nonsense. Basically, you're saying that Jay's Wing had to come out somewhere, considering he and Jayfeather both went into the tunnels and traveled through time. Obviously he did not just disappear, and he couldn't have become masqueraded as Jayfeather, because some cat would have noticed him and told the real Jayfeather later. Also, Jay's Wing would have reappeared in his own time after he was done. I can come up with only one possible explanation.

I believe that Jay's Wing was originally going to be sent to Jayfeather's time so that he could blunder about going "OMFG I'M BLIND," but somehow he was accidentally sent to an era where he was never reincarnated. I say this because Fallen Leaves hadn't seen any cats since his tribe deserted him until a few mischievous apprentices wandered in. If Jay's Wing had been switched with another cat, that cat would have come through the tunnels.

I think it's most likely that he reappeared around the time of the veeeerrrry beginning of the Clans. A large group of cats were moving away from the lake to the forest when he emerged from the tunnels. Somehow he joined them and stayed a Clan cat for the rest of his life, thus tying just about everything/one together.

Btw, I basically agree with your "the three" theory, Leafy. 8D
I think my nonsense understands your nonsense. Basically, you're saying that Jay's Wing had to come out somewhere, considering he and Jayfeather both went into the tunnels and traveled through time. Obviously he did not just disappear, and he couldn't have become masqueraded as Jayfeather, because some cat would have noticed him and told the real Jayfeather later. Also, Jay's Wing would have reappeared in his own time after he was done. I can come up with only one possible explanation.

I believe that Jay's Wing was originally going to be sent to Jayfeather's time so that he could blunder about going "OMFG I'M BLIND," but somehow he was accidentally sent to an era where he was never reincarnated. I say this because Fallen Leaves hadn't seen any cats since his tribe deserted him until a few mischievous apprentices wandered in. If Jay's Wing had been switched with another cat, that cat would have come through the tunnels.

I think it's most likely that he reappeared around the time of the veeeerrrry beginning of the Clans. A large group of cats were moving away from the lake to the forest when he emerged from the tunnels. Somehow he joined them and stayed a Clan cat for the rest of his life, thus tying just about everything/one together.

Btw, I basically agree with your "the three" theory, Leafy. 8D

... and my nonsense somehow understands your nonsense. 8D My original idea was that Jay's Wing entered the tunnels, and at some point while he was in there, Jayfeather began to dream and Jay's Wing sort of "morphed" into the dreaming/time travelling Jayfeather. But they're two distinct cats, and Jayfeather had none of Jay's Wing's memories. So that means that basically, in my mind Jay's Wing entered the tunnels, disappeared somewhere and then Jayfeather appeared from the future, exited the tunnels and lived the rest of Jay's Wing's life. I might just be rehashing what I already said (my nonsense almost makes no sense to even my own ears), but... yeah, I'm just wondering what happened to Jay's Wing. I think it's a possibility that Jayfeather was actually Jay's Wing for the whole time, but somehow when he dreamt he ended up forgetting his whole life prior to the tunnels and remembered instead ThunderClan... no, that actually doesn't make much sense. I'll stick with your theory, Flametail, that at some point in the tunnels Jay's Wing time-travelled to a time where he was not supposed to exist, and then some cat (Rock?) brought Jayfeather into the tunnels, because Rock (I'll just assume for the sake of clarity that it was Rock who sent him back) knew that he was supposed to exist, to live out the period of time in which Jayfeather was Jay's Wing, because he ended up influencing the Tribe and all. The Jay's Wing that went into the tunnels wasn't Jayfeather - the Jay's Wing that came out was, and that's the only part of an ancient lakeside life Jayfeather ever had, yet because it happened at all Jayfeather's really nearly sharing a life with Jay's Wing. Does that make sense? Now I just need a way to present this at the author chat... ideas? xD
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Oh, God, Leafy, you want to present that monstrosity of a theory/question/thing to the poor, innocent authors? How can you be so cruel? Well, I suppose I should do the Erins a favor and help you compress that into something intelligible.

... Why do I get the feeling this isn't going to work?

"I understand that Jayfeather is the reincarnation of Jay's Wing. But they aren't the same cat, right? If so, what happened to Jay's Wing when he entered the tunnels? Apparently he never came out, as it was Jayfeather who returned to the world above ground in his place. Obviously he didn't go to Jayfeather's time; someone would've noticed. And he never returned to the tribe, so he didn't switch with his ThunderClan counterpart again. Where did Jay's Wing end up? Was he sent to a time where he was never reincarnated?"

... Was that okay? *too long-winded*
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