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Wayfarer Comms

What? Owen? Yes, we know where he lives. He's with Mewtwo. We just have to go to the triangle formation of rocks off in the outskirts where the bulletin board of missions are.

We're currently in Twilight Quarry and found something useful... We'll return. Some of us may meet with Owen, too.
Wayfarers, Koa and I have discovered a dungeon that has fallen under Alexander's influence. The thunderclouds above Silver Ravine aren't just a storm; it's the divine dungeon of the Stormbringer, a departed Sojavena Saint.

The Roaring Cyclone is here, and he's determined to combat Alexander's shadow hold over it. We're trying to convince Zapdos to let us help, but he's being his usual stubborn self...
Try reverse psychoing or whatever it's called? Tell him he's totally got this and that the next time we bump into him he definitely won't be Alexander's demonic slave chicken.
Hey, um, guys? Some of you are at the roundtable, right? Maybe try asking if there's any intel on Radiant dungeons other than the one up north. But like, in a 'we're just curious' kind of way, not a 'we wanna head there ourselves' kind of way.
The meeting at the roundtable appears to be drawing close to an end. A select number of us will be going to Tyrrier to investigate the oddities there but one of the Covenant officials has said something interesting. Apparently, one of the branches, Philosophy, has been trying to synthesise artificial Radiance, which may have a potential link to the ARK Unit. Be vigilant.
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