New member
Ah, with the long hair, it was a little difficult to figure out.
Another mistake I've made commonly was believing certain Pokemon were third gen when they were really second. I played Ruby before I played Silver. I was pleasantly surprised when I found a Skarmory in Silver.
exactly my thoughts after skipping generation 2. I had watch the anime but never played the games.
I figured it was poison bug, or poison ground. Why wouldnt psychic types effect it!Drapion is Poison/Dark-type.
I used to think it was Bug/Steel.
Originally I assumed Tucker was a female, most likely due to the Pixie-like appearance. Then I happened to watch the Anime episode he appears in. Tate and Liza both sound like girls' names, so the Anime cleared that up for me too.
I had no problem with anyone except Liza and Tate both must be girls. I mean, honestly.
I figured psyduck and golduck are water pyschic too, but I never figured ot starmie is part psychic until generation 4.For some reason, even now, I keep thinking of Staryu, Psyduck, and Golduck as Water/Psychic Pokemon. I always use Crunch or something on them and go "Why is it doing normal damage D:"
I had always thought that Marill and Azumarill was from gen 1.
what he said.
Due mainly to its typing in the TCG, but also because of Ruby, my sister and I used to think Groudon was a Fighting/Dark type.
I figured it was a fire type because ground gets no boost from sun. I got saphire, not Ruby, so I only figured it out in Emerald.
I also was told that pressing B makes a pokemon more likely to be caught