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What pets would you like?

I have a Guinea Pig and three Chinchillas (who would have thought that a guy could give birth?) at home right now.

I'd like ... err I'd like a lot of things, like rats, lizards/snakes ect., but I don't think I'll have anything for a while.
Actually I'd like a pig, possibly, but only a small one. If I were able to keep it somewhere.
Pot-bellied pigs can be trained pretty much like dogs, so you don't need a special place to keep one; just litter train it and let it roam your house freely.

Guh, they're so cool.
I know, what I'd need is a proper house, as opposed to a small flat (which seems more likely to me)

Winston Churchill said:
I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.

Pigs are smart too, it seems
I don't think all cats do. If anything they seem impartial to us unlike other animals - so we're not the main focus in their lives. I like that =D
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