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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What Pokemon have you sworn you saw in real life?

Once I thought I saw a Riolu running though a field during a car ride. A blur of blue/black amongst the golden yellow, as if it was running faster then the car.
I thought I saw a Pikachu, mostly because there was something fuzzy and yellow, and there were sparks coming out of it.
Turns out it was some mechanist burning some iron. |:
(Dark Shocktail: By the way, that is one of the cutest avatars I've ever seen.)

Ya, Dark Shocktail always has the cutest avatars. She's just a cute person *glomps her*

Er, Pokémon I've seen in real life... Once I saw a Murkrow without its hat, but it might have been a crow.
I was playing Wii Rock Band, the awesomest game ever, and when we were finished with a song, I swear I saw a Mew head with, oddly enough, had glowing red eyes. Then I blinked and it was gone.

EDIT: I saw Suicune yesterday! I know I did. It was raining, and I heard a, "Kuuunnn!" I looked to my right and I saw a light-blue with white streaks and purple on top!

EDIT2:(How many edits shall I have to make?!) A couple of nights ago, I was climbing in bed, I saw a motion out of the corner of my eye. I looked, and saw the faint outline of a dog. Poochyena, anyone?
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