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What would be a good game story?

Drifloon Rocks

Honey, please don't eat the rancid dung.
I know we're all tired of "Team Evil wants to use a legendary's power to take over the world, so you have to battle and/or catch the legendary to save the world" story, so what do you think would be a better story?

I really liked the PMD2 story. It has lots of plot twists and wasn't boring. That's the kind of plot I would like.

Perhaps the legendary goes on a rampage without the provocation of an evil team? Maybe an evil Pokemon that wants to destroy all humans? I think it's time for something new.
Who says we're all sick of that? I like it. I like Pokemon more for the creatures, not the plot.

I say that the usual for the main series would be best.
A game where the legendaries actually /do/ more things. Like, for example, if Dialga was the main legendary you travel through time, if Kyogre's the main legendary everything floods over, etc. Oh right and without an evil team being the cause.

I also want a different plot than the traditional "go beat the gyms and E4". Why can't we be a trainer to be a collector or something? >:/
I know, they should make a game where either you have the main, boring plot, or the choice to be a coordinator. Now that would be fun!
Yay, coordinator! They should make a game solely for Pokemon contests. But I was thinking that at one point [evil team] steals your starter, and you have to rescue it. When you do, your friendship maximizes. That's what I thought would be good. Except it would be bad if you chose to only raise your starter... maybe, to get into the place where this happens, you have to have at least two Pokemon.... Yup, that's it.
Ooh, add this: a game where you actually catch your first Pokémon instead of having it as a starter. :3 They give you a Safari Zone/equivalent right at the beginning of the game, and you can go in and choose from like twenty different Pokémon, and you can't get back to the Zone until you catch all the other Pokémon (or something like that).
Ooh, add this: a game where you actually catch your first Pokémon instead of having it as a starter. :3 They give you a Safari Zone/equivalent right at the beginning of the game, and you can go in and choose from like twenty different Pokémon, and you can't get back to the Zone until you catch all the other Pokémon (or something like that).

Safari Zone type things are unlikely to be anywhere near your tiny little hometown.

The usual works fine for me too, but I must admit a change would be nice. R/S/E's idea for two evil teams fighting each other as well as you was a good one too.
Safari Zone type things are unlikely to be anywhere near your tiny little hometown.

The usual works fine for me too, but I must admit a change would be nice. R/S/E's idea for two evil teams fighting each other as well as you was a good one too.

Agreed. It was interesting to see how the two frought against each other for control and how you just seemed to be in the middle.

I'd like a different plot. The current one only appeals if you really enjoy collecting them - while I do like catching all my favs, I can never be asked with the Pokedex at the end of it =s I'd like to see something like Pokemon Colossuem/XD: Gale of Darkness more. But more towards the former - you started off leaving an evil team by blowing up their base, then riding into the desert with your Umbreon and Espeon sitting shotgun on your hoverbike. SWEET.
But more towards the former - you started off leaving an evil team by blowing up their base, then riding into the desert with your Umbreon and Espeon sitting shotgun on your hoverbike. SWEET.

Oh, right, that reminds me of something someone here (forget who) suggested once: to actually start as an established trainer and not as a rookie. :3 Having Espeon and Umbreon start at level 25 and 26 was a very good idea, in my opinion.
I think not starting in a tiny town at the bottom of the region would be cool. Maybe you could live in a city in the center of the region?

I've written an entire plot for the Marah Region. I'll post it up when I have time.

Oh! I also think that you should catch the starter instead of always being given it.
the evil team should actually go around killing people. and not with pokemon either. they would shoot people. with guns. and you would have to stop them with the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
The "usual formula" story is pretty damn good, if you accept the premise that money speaks for itself.
only that means Crank That Soulja Boy is pretty damn good.

... point taken. I retract my previous statement.

So then what, in my opinion, would be a good game story? I dunno, something more climactic. Where defeating the evil team actually means something (I mean really, if you're a 10 year old kid and you just totally trash THE MOST MENACING FIGURE TERRORIZING [insert region here] AND STOP HIS EVIL DOINGS FOREVER you should actually, y'know, be recognized for that, but no one ever goes "Oh hey you're the kid who singlehandedly owned Team Rocket/Aqua/Magma/Galactic and SAVED THE FREAKING REGION/WORLD/UNIVERSE FROM SOME SORT OF EVIL PLOT") and you can actually do things beyond collecting pokemon. Maybe something like fable, where the NPC characters actually respond to things you do.

In short: an actual plot, not just some thin cheap plot substitute poured over the actual game for the sake of having a plot.

Oh and it'd be nice if the champion doesn't keep the championship after being beaten. That never made much sense
There should be one where you start as a lowly grunt in a villainous team and have to work your way up.

that idea's been passed around every forum for so damn long I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't picked it up yet. Maybe they don't want to encouraged kids to join gangs or something
I've only an active part of two Pokemon-centric forums in my whole life so you'll have to excuse me there. :P

Anyway, these games have never needed a good story. The same old premise works just fine, as long as the Pokemon are there.
I'd like to see something like Pokemon Colossuem/XD: Gale of Darkness more. But more towards the former - you started off leaving an evil team by blowing up their base, then riding into the desert with your Umbreon and Espeon sitting shotgun on your hoverbike. SWEET.

Except not with an Umbreon and Espeon (seriously, I did NOT find them good starters). And NOT already at lv20+! Whoever thought that up should be shot. Call me old-fashioned but somehow I think starting at Lv5 is the way it should be.

And would it kill them to make Team Snagem die in that explosion? *shot*
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