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What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?

i'd probably see myself with a handful of things. i'd see myself with my friends, whom i've wanted to see for a while but haven't been able to. i'd see myself with my former history teacher.. i'm pretty sure we are friends, but given that he's married, with children, and holding a very respected position on my school's staff, he's not always able to be a friend in the same way someone my age could be. i'd see myself with a nicer guitar, because i've wanted to have one now that i know i enjoy playing and getting better. i'd see myself with a large stack of novels as well as notebooks, because i read and write a lot and i want to be able to write stories or keep journals all throughout my life. i'd see myself in a city, because i've thought that i'd operate better in a less capacious environment such as that. etc.
Myself, a dragon, a life in science and the arts.

Parse that as you will.
probably myself as a archeologist. happy. healthy, with two kids. girls( sakura and rin.). independent. my pearents together. me happy and enligheded.
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