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What's so wrong with Pokemon Battle Revolution?

What do you think of Battle Revolution?

  • I like it.

    Votes: 22 33.8%
  • It's not that good.

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • I don't have it.

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • It's mediocre.

    Votes: 14 21.5%

  • Total voters
Yeah, it has nice graphics, but the battles are also horribly slow, and there is literally NO POINT in playing if you don't have a copy of Diamond/Pearl and/or Wifi on you. There is NO excuse for the lack of choice regarding rental pokemon or ANY sort of extras beyond trainer customization. Geez, at least they could have put in a few minigames a la the Stadium titles. I guess the worst thing about this is despite that it's on a more powerful system, it's a severe downgrade from everything that came before it.
Hahah, they don't even hit each other, they angle the camera just the right way to make it appear that.

Hell, look at Brawl, it does the same thing.
I like it for one main reason: online battling. The graphics may not be the best, but I really like being able to battle actual people in real time. (well, almost real time, anyways...)

I am also obsessed with collecting all the rare berries.
The only thing that I thought was gay about it was the pure lack of a leader board.

I would love to actually rate my battles against real people depending especially the ones that say they can beat you on it. Although it would make it worse since everyone would use ubers.
Is that the japanese version of the game or a overexxageration for the trailer?
It's because there's not much to do unless you do a lot of online battling with anonymous people or people you met online or in real life. If you love watching your Pokemon duel in impressive 3-D (well, cept for the flat audience) graphics and love being able to jump into a quick (but sometimes not so quick) battle online, along with getting some degree of customization for your character, this is your game. If not, then it isn't.

I prefer battling on PBR over D/P because the battling looks cooler and I don't have to beg for FCs if I wanna battle online. That and I can actually look at least slightly different from my opponent (well, different from the popular Cool Boy model and even some avatars that share the same model as I) while on D/P, everyone's an identical twin of everyone. I don't play it too often, but every now and again, I pop in the CD and battle some people online.

Also, if you want a quick, easy way to get Magmortar or Electivire and don't care about nicknames, that's a bonus.

But, if they mixed this with a 3-D RPG, then we'd have a game with an at least slightly better reception. If they make a sequel of PBR or a battle mode outside of the RPG in a similar manner as PBR, they should put some work into character customization. If we had an in-depth customization feature, that would be epic. Nintendo at least introduced the system, but they're only at the tip of the iceberg. Along with that, they should work on online battling, regulating Ubers, and stuff like that. (Even though formulating Uber counters can be fun and make you feel like an evil genius for doing so. I made an anti-Darkrai Snorlax, but I dunno if it's really gonna be that effective without proper EV training and maybe some other tweaks.)
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