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Where do you purchase soundtracks?


A chickadee in love with the sky
Is there any particular place that you guys buy game or movie soundtracks from? Or is any online store as good as the next? The soundtracks I'm thinking about in particular are the movie soundtrack from The Lion King and the soundtrack from Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. I'm finding some significant price differences in various places, and I'm wondering if this means that the cheaper ones aren't as good or something... *feels like she's asking silly questions*

As a sidenote, is anyone familiar with the FFCC soundtrack, and would be able to tell me whether or not the English translation of Kaze No Ne is on the soundtrack?
Is there any particular place that you guys buy game or movie soundtracks from? Or is any online store as good as the next? The soundtracks I'm thinking about in particular are the movie soundtrack from The Lion King and the soundtrack from Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. I'm finding some significant price differences in various places, and I'm wondering if this means that the cheaper ones aren't as good or something... *feels like she's asking silly questions*

As a sidenote, is anyone familiar with the FFCC soundtrack, and would be able to tell me whether or not the English translation of Kaze No Ne is on the soundtrack?
There's only one version of Kaze No Ne on my disc, and it's untranslated.
I've bought from Amazon and had no trouble--single songs are about 89-99 cents apiece, and whole albums are reasonably priced
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