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Whisper Wind Comb

"Stop!" Nova conjured a King's Shield. "Don't you think if I was here to take you out, I would've done so already? Why would I have knocked on your door?!"
"I know your tricks," hissed the shadowy creature, slamming harder and harder against the shield. "Just do it already! You took them away! Cut them down... they're worse than dead!"

Why are you waiting?

Slam, slam, SLAM. The blows kept coming, yet Nova felt utterly invincible. Did he even need to block them?
This time Nova stuck his foreleg out and halted the shadow. He genuinely wasn't sure if the dungeon was manipulating him to look like Mhynt at this point. Everything was all topsy-turvy. To say nothing of the new not-Mhynt acrid voice in his head.

"It's not a trick." Nova narrowed his eyes. "One last chance. Leave. You're not helping anyone here."
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