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Suggestions Who says Art Thread originality is dead?

What is your favourite type of pudding?

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That is SO AMAZING! I could kiss you! THANK YOU!!!!!!

May I please use it in my signature.
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Vould you do a picture of mewtwo standing behind a window, looking outside while it's raining? Could you have one of his hands presssed against the window with his eyes shut, crying?
Vould you do a picture of mewtwo standing behind a window, looking outside while it's raining? Could you have one of his hands presssed against the window with his eyes shut, crying?

Are they the same picture or two different ones?

You're really good, but cocerning the colored Sandshrew, you might want to reread the rules on this page.

Unfortunately the link doesn't seem to work on my computer so I cannot see what you have found. Annoying.
Can I have a picture of my avatar. Raichu Grunt? I want it coloured in and looking really evil. Hes charging thunder and in a different pose to the one in my avatar if you can. Thanks.
You're really good, but cocerning the colored Sandshrew, you might want to reread the rules on this page.

The link works now and I honestly didn't know that it was from there, I just followed a link from Google and used it as a referance, blame Google, and I have put *Original image by suta-raito.com* on it now.

Anyway, back to the pictures that I have drawn. This is a request from Mhaladie:
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I give this shop my seal of approval, the badge of awesomeness.
Originally Posted by Blastoise428
You're really good, but cocerning the colored Sandshrew, you might want to reread the rules on this page.
Unfortunately the link doesn't seem to work on my computer so I cannot see what you have found. Annoying.

It's the Pokemon Images page of suta-raito.com, and it says;

#1: You can use these on your website, but you have to put "Image(s) by suta-raito.com".
#2: Re-drawing these as digimon, neopets, etc. or copying the pose is considered stealing, and stealing will get you on the Wall of Shame. (That's baaaad ^^;) I will also report your username to neopets and if you stole on your website, I will report you to your host. (Warning freeweb users, they always delete the sites I report!)
#3: Please try not to direct link. It uses a lot of our bandwidth. If your only choice is to direct link to use these then don't have more than 5 pictures to a page. ^^
#4: If you use my images to make somebody else a layout of any sort, you still are required to put "Images by suta-raito.com" in a visible place. ^^;
As I mentioned in the 48th post I have put *Original image by suta-raito.com* on that picture.
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No, thats good, well done hood.

Can I pretty please have a chibi cute version of the PW courtroom with Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth shouting objection at each other with the judge asleep? If you need a link, just ask.
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