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Suggestions Who says Art Thread originality is dead?

What is your favourite type of pudding?

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This is my new [URL="http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo273/blackhood65/BiroSketch.png]biro sketch of ... umm... someone[/URL], although it does look like my RP character. Yeah, lets go with that. I'ts my RP character.
Can you draw Meta Knight sitting on a sofa with Marth playing Brawl? Have it facing through the TV please so you can see both of them front on. Thanks! =D
Im still trying to get a good view of the PW courtroom as a reference and I also need a bit more practice at drawing Marth before I can start properly. Sorry :(

But I have drawn my Fursona, but I cant decide between a wolf or a fox, so Im going draw both. [URL="http://i383.photobucket.com/albums/oo273/blackhood65/MyFursona1.jpg]Here's[/URL] the first one.
I'VE FINALLY FINISHED MY FOX FURSONA! It took me 2 weeks and about 20 sheets of paper to do the pencil sketch before I could ink it! and here it is!
Wow, I've posted four times in a row now, my thread realy is dying, but it will LIVE! and sorry Objection! and Rya Tyruka that I still havent managed to start on your requests, but I still need references and until I can find ones that are good enough then it may be a while until they are done. Sorry.

But in the meantime I do have 2 more pictures!

A Snakeman. This pic could have turned out SO much better than it had.

My Rave Outfit. I decided to start drawing my pictures a bit simpler because they are just taking way too long to draw.
That's the problem with art threads, see. People will request and then not do a single thingo on it until it's finished. Unless it takes ages, in which case they post to remind you of their request.

Anyway, great stuff as always. The rave outfit looks amazing.
I am starting the requests, im still busy though, sorry :(

i do have this though, i started this quite a while ago, and finished it a while ago but i forgot to post it -_-''

I has art to contribute finally :D both of these are from my own manga series which i am slowly creating with the help of some friends #~^


Luscia (sketch)

plz live my little art thread D:
my own manga series which i am slowly creating with the help of some friends #~^
yush! cuz im helping with concept art! yay!<3 nice artiness, onii chan!^^*
keep it up! >:o
continue to draw with an iron fist! :D
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