• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Why hello there :3


New member
Hey there. I'm new to the forums with hope to have some great fun in here :3

Now for you all to know I'm not a newbie to forums and know all the needed stuff, especially on role-playing and off topic, so no help needed. But thanks anyway :)
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Welcome! To the forums of the Cave of the Dragonflies!

(Sorry, practicing my old English there)

Well, seeing that you know your stuff, let's just skip to the foam sword, shall we?
One does not simply skip the foam sword! >8U Here! *Hands foam sword* And you'll like it!
... Oh, sorry 'bout that, I get a bit carried away sometimes (it's the shadowssss o.o) anyway, hello, I'm Nanab, resident wearer of shorts ( I actually am right now). I hope you enjoy your stay ^_^
I need to greet people more often ; ;

And beware the foam swords! I'm sure Nanab spiked them with LSD this morning!
... Nah, never mind; the shadowssss haven't fully possessed him yet. But you can never be too sure about that...

*Ahem* Anyways, hi. I'm Ulqi, the resident YGOTAS/Hetalia/sad piano music fangirl. (Though I don't like the term "fangirl" that much ._.;)
Since you seem to know the things to see and do around here, I'll refrain from listing them, but I will encourage you to branch out and meet us in the Roleplays, Mafia games, social groups, forum games and ye olde Pokémon discussions whenever possible! We don't bite, hard >:D I promise!

See you around... Beware the shadowssss when Nanab is on the scene O3O
Well, hello person. I be Richie, the talking Raichu that lives in your house. Eating your cat.

Enjoy this random Kiwi bird as a gift.
I did no such thing! I only spice them with some Dark Fire magic, it's got a nice sting to it :sunglasses:
She'll eat your nonexistant cat then. And I never got a welcome-kiwi ;_; So awesome... Also, did you know that kiwis lay the biggest eggs in proportion to their bodies, it's about 1/3 of their total mass. This is why I exist, to inform people of random animal facts.

And... Wait, hold up, did I get an obligatory reference in your post that you like Hetalia?!

ParadoxLT said:

We shall become friends indeed.

And it's very nice to get friends at the begging :3

My favorites are Japan, Russia and Lithuania by the way.
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