• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Why, hello there! *salutes*


Time Lord
tl;dr version!
'Allo everyone! :D I doubt anybody remembers me, but I used to be a member here, just like you! It was under the same name, and before that, I believe I used to go by 'Otaku-Kitsune'. *facepalm* (Forgive me, that was years ago.)

Anyways, I've been getting vicious wants to play Pokemon again, and when on an epic quest to locate my LeafGreen (my FireRed was sadly lost along with my copy of Animal Crossing and my DS. ...MY DS!!). However, I did find it, and while I was performing an elaborate ritual known as 'really geeky victory dance', I remembered this site. So, of course I had to check in again! I tend to be active for a little while, then lurk, then disappear, but I'm hoping to break that chain for once (despite my forgetfulness of this place, I truly do adore it-- although I'll still probably mostly lurk).

But I digress. Hi, I'm Zee, I probably won't get an icon and/or sig for a while, music is absolutely my life (MCR, FOB, Panic at the Disco, The Hush Sound, The Dresden Dolls, Vermillion Lies etc.etc.... that's my type), I'm a huge geek, I have a weakness for Vulpix&Ninetales and the Eeveelutions and various other Pokemon I do not have the time to name, I have never played Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald or Diamond/Pearl, and I'm really glad to be back and meet all you new folks. :D

not so tl;dr version!
I used to be a member here, went away, re-registered, went away, AND NOW I'M BACK. :D I lurk a lot. Hello and very nice to meet you!
Why, howdy you do?

What big forum crash? Is that why I was deleted? Ah, I was a n00b then, anyway. Hello, apixelateddream! I like spriting. And making graphics, but I am incredibly suckish at that.
Welcome to TCoD, o lurking one!
Yep, the forums crashed, everyone complained about how boring it was and everything was deleted.

Sad story really.

Hello and welcome to TCOD.

Have a cat plushie~

I remember you, Otaku-kitsune. Yes, well, I remember you being cool. Welcome back.
Hello. I think I remember you vaguely. Or that might be someone else.

Welcome back, anyway. :]
Thank you everyoneee, I feel so welcomed. :D

Sucks about the forum crash. I do remember it being much larger, with much more people.

I'm surprised people remember me. Hello hello all old members~
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