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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

World Domination

use the turtle to slowly overpopulate the turtle popluation. then the turtles and humans mate and....lets not go into detail, k?

A Guitar Hero controller
Use the Guitar Hero controller to start a GH tourney. While doing the tourney...brainwash them. xD

A mouse.
Irradiate it until it mutates into a Godzilla-like supermouse and rampages across the earth destroying all in its path.

The F key from your keyboard.
Take it out of your keyboard and throw it in the eyes of world leaders while saying F**K YOU! They get irritated and let you take their place.

A ball of lint (can't think of anything can ya?:evil:)
Feed it to barrack obama, being more food then he has ever eaten in is life so far, he'll grow to ten times his current size, and proceed to eat north korea, russia, iran, and michigan.

Japanese Army
Bring him back as a zombie and show him to the world leaders, threatening to start a full-blown zombie invasion unless they give you control of their countries.

A lava lamp.
Well as you have stated I don't really need anything to take over the world. Charm, humor, and magical persuasion powers are all I have and all I need. |:3

I drop a piece of paper with a half-note scribbled on it.
Threaten to have him nuke every country unless you're made supreme leader.

A piece of string
Make a trip noose and have some important leader step in it, then demand to take their place while they're hanging upside down and helpless.

A styrofoam ball.
Paint it to look like a bomb and threaten the world leaders with it. If that dosen't work, then beat the leaders with it until they give you their powers.

A digital camera
Go back in time, and take all the real old peopole's leader's pictures, and while they're cluelessly blinking, take over the world.
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