Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Stlye: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination
Just a floating, flat platform.
Round Four
Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 78%
Energy: 65%
Status: Not quite so cocky anymore. Right leg has been injured; movement will be impeded. +2 Attack, -1 Speed.
Commands: Agility ~ Aerial Ace/Detect ~ Wing Attack/Detect
Zaiella (OO)

Cinnamon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 59%
Energy: 58%
Status: Rage levels are over 9000! +3 Attack, +1 Speed.
Commands: Outrage ~ Scary Face ~ Fire Punch
Fearfully glancing back over his shoulder at his opponent, Nightslice kicked off once more with his legs. This time, though, he didn’t rush over to Cinnamon, who was still snarling like a crazed beast and alight with dragon fire. Instead he ran along the perimeter of Final Destination, feeling the wind whistle around his exoskeleton, whipping his wings back. He felt his muscles become more limber, and eventually the pain in his right leg eased.
Realizing that there was no way he could land a hit while Nightslice was running circles around him like that, Cinnamon huffed furiously and waited for the Scyther to slow down. When he did, Cinnamon let out another earthshaking roar and dashed up to the mantis, little claws extended and ready to shred. Nightslice, panting slightly after his sprint around the platform, looked up in alarm to find a fuming orange lizard bearing upon him, eyes still a flat orange and the flame on the tip of his tail twice its usual size. Cinnamon dug his claws into Nightslice’s side, slashing downwards in a slow, gruesome process, green insect blood leaking out as the Scyther thrashed in pain. In Cinnamon’s state of ire, though, Nightslice’s cries of agony went unregistered, even as he slashed again and again, throwing the occasional tail-whack in the mix. By the time the Charmander’s fury had been spent, Nightslice was crouched on the ground, new scratches decorating his body in frantic patterns.
As Cinnamon stepped back, the sheet effort needed to keep his body livid with dragon fire was too much for the little lizard. It flickered and died out with a sad
sss, while his eyes returned to their normal colour. Then, Cinnamon’s eyes suddenly crossed and his tongue stuck out the side of his mouth, forming a ridiculously comical expression in stark comparison to his ferocity mere moments before.
Nightslice, still very wary for very obvious reasons, peered closely at the cross-eyed Charmander. When he did nothing but waddle forward a few steps in a very crooked line before falling down flat on his face, tongue still lolling out, the Scyther sighed and shrugged. He rubbed his scythes together to ensure they were sharp, then sprinted forward for the umpteenth time this match, turning one or two tight circles around the delirious Cinnamon, who was struggling back to his feet, before slashing his back. The impact of the attack knocked him back down on the ground, snout pressed against the cold steel.
Still trying to stand up, Cinnamon managed to get to his knees and then to his little clawed feet, stumbling backwards a bit from rising to his feet so suddenly. Unfortunately, the Charmander’s tail just happened to be behind him and he fell backwards, his skull and spine striking the ground simultaneously. Cinnamon winced slightly from the impact, but was quickly distracted by the unusually large stars appearing in his vision. They were so pretty… He giggled childishly, still lying on his back.
By now Nightslice had given up trying to fathom his opponent. He shrugged and walked up to Cinnamon, rather sure that he wouldn’t jump up and attack him, then bent down awkwardly and beat the lizard powerfully with his wings. Cinnamon cried out, more in surprise than pain, and was pushed about three inches from his original position. Nightslice stepped back, still rather nonplused by the Charmander’s sudden change in mood.
Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 61%
Energy: 58%
Status: Rather confused by Cinnamon’s mood swings. +2 Attack, +1 Speed.
Zaiella (OO)

Cinnamon (M) <Blaze>
Health: 28%
Energy: 50%
Status: “Pretty lights… :D” Confused (moderate) +3 Attack, +1 Speed.
Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform.
Final notes
Zaiella attacks first next round.
Outrage just grazed the critical hit roll, so I had it to 2% more damage.
Also, Outrage has to be performed for 2~3 actions in a row (In this case, two), and thus the Aerial Ace command was overridden.
The RNG hates Cinnamon. He was confused for the 2nd and 3rd actions.