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Xaldin vs. Zaiella

Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Stlye: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

The still form of Cinnamon returned to his Pokeball in a flash of white light. After an apology to her Pokemon and several moments of consideration, Zaiella released her second and last Pokemon for the battle. Azure the Horsea took form on Final Destination, eager and ready to battle… Only to collapse on his side with no water to support him. He let out a pitiful squeak, while Nightslice sighed in disappointment.

Round Six

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 61%
Energy: 39%
Status: Disappointed; hoping to get this battle over with quickly. +2 Attack, +1 Speed.
Commands: X-Scissor/Protect/Chill ~ Roost/Protect/Chill ~ Brick Break/Protect/Chill

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Flailing her wing-flippers and tail.
Commands: Aurora Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Icy Wind

Not even two minutes before he was sent out, Azure was already very nervous. His opponent managed to take down Cinnamon, even with a type disadvantage, and he didn’t even look that badly worn out. How in the world was he going to defeat this killer mantis, and another Pokemon besides? Maybe the next one would be even stronger than the next. It didn’t help that he was a rather timid Pokemon to begin with. Azure fought the urge to wail.

Upon hearing his commands, Azure reluctantly stopped thrashing and lowered the temperature in his throat. Then he spat out a thin stream of water, the liquid freezing even as it shot through his tube-like mouth, creating a beam of ice that refracted the light around it. The air shimmered and danced with the colours of the rainbow. Registering the danger, Nightslice quickly crossed his scythes in front of him and focused pure energy into them, which took the form of a pale green wall. The Aurora Beam crashed into the barrier with a magnificent splintering sound and, with a flash of incandescent hues, melted and formed a puddle on the ground. Azure scowled at his attack’s failure.

Determined not to make his next attack another fluke, the Horsea once again fired a jet of water that froze as it passed through his mouth. This time, the attack wasn’t as flashy: just a thick rod of ice that sliced through the air. Once again, Nightslice raised a barrier in front of him, preventing himself from getting hit. This time, it was considerably harder – he still needed time to recuperate from creating the previous shield – but he managed all the same. Like its predecessor, the Ice Beam struck the Protect and crumpled uselessly to the floor, where it regressed to its liquid state. Though he was starting to feel absolutely exhausted, he took the opportunity to stick his tongue out at Azure, just to spite him.

By now the poor Horsea was despondent as well as furious. Lowering the temperature in her mouth for the third time – it was starting to feel rather numb by now – she exhaled, the gust of freezing wind solidifying the water particles in the air. This time, Nightslice was unable to throw himself out of harm’s way. Try as he might, the flicker of energy around his scythes refused to form a barrier. He cringed as his body was buffeted by the cold gale. It left a very thin coating of ice on his joints in his wake, making him feel more sluggish. On the other side of the platform, Azure seemed to grin.

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 56%
Energy: 27%
Status: Shivering and exhausted. +2 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 82%
Status:”How do you like that? D:<”

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. Also, there’s a medium-size puddle of cold water in front of Nightslice.

Final notes
Zaiella attacks first next round.
The 3rd Protect failed.
Good job, Azure, that worked exactly as I'd hoped. Now use Rain Dance! If he erases it with Sunny Day, disable it and use Rain Dance again. If he does not, then bounce into Nightslice and try to land in that puddle. But if he's attacking, see if you can use the bounce to dodge the attack. If he charges at you in the attack, just aim for him and forget the puddle for now. If you make it to the puddle, use Dragon Dance, if not, Dragonbreath.

Rain Dance~Disable/Bounce~Rain Dance/Dragon Dance/Dragonbreath
OK Nighty! First use roost to restore hp and to lose your flying for a bit. Then just chill. Then use Double team (4 clones)

Roost~Chill~Double Team (4 Clones)
Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Stlye: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Seven

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 56%
Energy: 27%
Status: Shivering and exhausted. +2 Attack.
Commands: Roost ~ Chill ~ Double Team (4 Clones)

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 82%
Status:”How do you like that? D:<”
Commands: Rain Dance ~ Disable/Bounce ~ Rain Dance/Dragon Dance/Dragonbreath

Breathing out an exhausted sigh, Nightslice stopped his perpetual wing motion and sat on the cold metal floor. Azure took this brief moment to roll awkwardly on the ground, flailing the little fins on his back and squeaking whenever his sensitive mouth tube was smashed against the floor. As he offered the best ‘dance’ he could do in his current situation, his body began to glow sapphire; the aura congregated at the seahorse’s mouth tube before shooting towards the sky, turning a somber grey as it went higher. It kept going, eventually reaching the troposphere, where it spread outwards and pulled in all the clouds in the area. Final Destination suddenly dimmed as the clouds blocked out the sun.

A moment later, fat raindrops began to fall from the sky. Azure, who was humming a little song, certainly didn’t seem to mind, though Nightslice twitched at every drop of water that splashed against his exoskeleton. Clearly he didn’t appreciate getting rained on while he was taking a rest. By now most of his wounds had disappeared, and after two more minutes his body was completely unmarked. The healing rest took quite the toll on him though; as the last cut closed, an overwhelming exhaustion took over him, so sudden and devastating that he nearly passed out.

At least he wouldn’t have to move for the next while. Nightslice lay on his back on the metal platform, his scythes splayed out. He felt like he didn’t want to move for a few days at least. Meanwhile, on the other side of the platform, Azure was rolling onto his stomach with his snout facing his opponent. Then, with an explosive snap that was far more powerful than the little sea animal should’ve achieved, he uncoiled his tail. The force actually propelled Azure towards his opponent, headfirst. Under normal circumstances the Horsea would’ve overshot his opponent and perhaps plummeted over the edge of the platform, but last-second flight adjustments enabled him to land a solid hit on Nightslice’s foot. He jumped up, shrieking in shock, and rubbed the area of impact with a cringe.

After crashing headfirst into Nightslice’s foot, Azure managed to roll his way into the little puddle in front of his opponent. Even though it soothed his dry scales, it was still nowhere near enough to swim around in. He shrugged and started rolling around again, flailing his tail and fins and wiggling his ear spikes. Draconic power surged through his veins, giving him a burst in strength and speed.

Despite his brief break, Nightslice was still utterly exhausted. Even so, he was able to gather enough strength in his legs to break into a run, accelerating until the point where he became a blur. The clones he struggled to bring into existence, though, dissipated instantly when even a single raindrop touched it. In the end, he was tired and panting, but with nothing to show for it.

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 94%
Energy: 10%
Status: On the verge of fainting from exhaustion. +2 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 66%
Status: Desperately wishing for a decent-sized pool to swim in. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. Also, Azure is rolling around in a puddle of water at Nightslice’s feet. It is raining, and will continue to do so for 2 more actions.

Final notes
Xaldin attacks first next round.
Chill didn’t restore full energy because Nightslice was attacked. (He regained 10% instead of 12%)
Double Team doesn’t work in the rain, because the rain passes through the clones and thus destroys them.
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Argh! Damn my mistakes. Anyway first chill twice then use X Scissor.

Chill~Chill~X Scissor
He wants to Chill? All right, then, lets give him a hand by giving him two nice Ice Beams! Then when the rain lets up, do another Rain Dance.

Ice Beam~Ice Beam~Rain Dance
Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Style: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Eight

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 94%
Energy: 10%
Status: On the verge of fainting from exhaustion. +2 Attack.
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ X-Scissor

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 100%
Energy: 66%
Status: Desperately wishing for a decent-sized pool to swim in. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Ice Beam ~ Ice Beam ~ Rain Dance

Azure turned clumsily in his puddle, which to his horror seemed to be shrinking. What would he do when it dried out completely? Would he dry out too? And what would happen when the rain stopped and took his speed boost? Why, he would just be a sitting duck for his opponent! The poor Horsea’s nervous mind conjured up all sorts of horrible scenarios, causing him to squeak in fear.

Of course, the best solution was to take out his panic on his opponent. Eyes still rolling in terror, Azure positioned himself on his belly, his snout pointing at Nightslice. Said Scyther had collapsed into a sitting position on the metal platform, too tired to even think of the danger his opponent could pose. It would be pretty sad, after all, if he couldn’t beat the sad little seahorse because he fainted from exhaustion. Just as the thought crossed his mind, Azure let fly with a magnificent beam of ice. The numbingly cold substance crashed against his feet – damnit, why did he always aim there? – but even after the attack faded away, his legs just felt wrong somehow. He looked down and immediately screeched in shock: this time, the ice didn’t melt away, but resiliently closed around his feet and legs in a clear, chilly case.

Desperately, Nightslice tried to slam the blunt edge of his scythe into the ice, but it was far too thick; the weapon left barely a crack. Meanwhile, Azure had lowered the temperature in his mouth and was shooting another Ice Beam at the large mantis. His legs bound, Nightslice had absolutely no hope of dodging the attack, and could only shield his face with one scythe. It turned out that he was lucky he did, though. The solidified liquid crashed against the sharp blade with such force that it nearly pushed it straight into the Scyther’s face, but this time the ice didn’t cling to him. It fell to the ground, its job done, and slowly started to melt. Breathing a sigh of relief, Nighslice closed his eyes, confident that no other attacks would be shooting in his direction for a while yet.

By now, the clouds swathed across the sky were starting to receded, pulling the raindrops back with them. Azure looked skyward with a grunt. Without the constant patter of water against his scales, the Horsea felt sluggish. Better fix that. As Nightslice struggled to stand, which was an understandably difficult ordeal, Azure gathered a sphere of glowing sapphire power in his mouth tube. He tilted his head back and, flailing his fins around as he did so, shot the beam towards the sky. Once again, sullen grey clouds gathered in the expanse above and started to pour their contents on the battlers. Azure sighed in relief, while Nightslice cursed under his breath. All this water and ice nonsense was getting on his nerves.

After about another thirty seconds of fruitless efforts, Nightslice concluded that it was impossible to get back on his feet. He grunted awkwardly before dragging himself the short distance between him and his opponent, his scythes digging into the metal platform to make an unpleasant screeek sound. Azure squealed and tried to roll away, but even with his speed boost he couldn’t dodge Nightslice’s attack. It wasn’t much of an X-Scissor though: the mantis propped himself up on both scythes, arms trembling as he rose, before jerking his weapons up to perform a quick one-two slice. Two shallow wounds opened in Azure’s belly, and he squealed again, albeit more out of surprise than pain.

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 70%
Energy: 23%
Status: “Curse you iceee D:<”. Frozen (severe) Ice encasing his legs will severely impede movement. +2 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 94%
Energy: 49%
Status: Starting to get rather tired. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. Also, Azure is rolling around in a puddle of water at Nightslice’s feet face. It is raining, and will continue to do so for 2 more actions.

Final notes
Zaiella attacks first next round.
Chill did not restore full energy (9% and 10%).
Nightslice was frozen by the 1st Ice Beam.
X-Scissor’s damage was severely reduced, and Nightslice had to expend a bit more energy to execute the attack as well.
Good job, Azure, I know that's uncomfortable but you're doing very well. Now fire a nice Ice Beam right in his eyes. Then Chill for the rest of the round.

Ice Beam~Chill~Chill
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Alright, since the forums must've blipped out on Zaiella when she posted this (It doesn't show that she posted unless you actually look at the thread)... Xaldin, I'll give you another 2 days to post your commands.
Yes it did cut off with that connection error, right when I was posting. I didn't know the forum messed up the actual post.
Don't worry, it happens with me a lot too. When that happens I just re-post it, so it actually shows up, and delete the previous one.
First protect then Chillx2
Sorry. Was at Buffalo with no internet.
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Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Style: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Nine

Xaldin (OO)

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 70%
Energy: 23%
Status: “Curse you iceee D:<”. Frozen (severe) Ice encasing his legs will severely impede movement. +2 Attack.
Commands: Chill ~ Chill ~ Chill

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 94%
Energy: 49%
Status: Starting to get rather tired. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Ice Beam ~ Chill ~ Chill

Deciding that it was far too much of an ordeal to use his scythes to pull himself back into a sitting position, Nightslice gingerly rested his head on the cold, wet floor and rested as best as he could. Not that it was hard; he was still quite tired. He closed his eyes with a sigh and immediately felt strength begin to flow back into his limbs.

Azure glared at his opponent. He was tired too, so why was Nightslice getting a rest when he wasn’t? With a purely facial pout he angled her snout towards the mantis and lowered the temperature in his mouth, taking his time with his attack since he knew he wouldn’t be savaged by those scythes again anytime soon. Then, when he was satisfied, he gave his water sac a quick, sharp squeeze, the water freezing even before it rocketed through the air and formed the fifth beam of ice in the battle. It struck Nightslice squarely in the forehead and he jerked back, out of reflex, with a startled cry. The layer of ice left over, though, was thankfully relatively thin, and the Scyther rubbed the blunt edge of his scythe on his head to scrape it off.

Satisfied with his work, Azure then wiggled around to get more comfortable on the metal platform, then closed his eyes. Battling had its thrills, but wow, it exhausted you like no other. After staring suspiciously at the blue seahorse, Nightslice let his eyelids slip shut as well, more or less thinking the same thoughts. The rain pattered rhythmically around the two Pokemon, who moments ago were engulfed in a bitter skirmish but were now resting in the shelter of a fragile truce. After a few moments, though, the downpour started to let up, and the grey clouds covering the sky began to pull back.

Azure noted with a twinge of irritation that he no longer felt rain moisturizing his scales, which in turn made him feel decidedly sluggish. He shrugged it off though; in his mind resting was still the top priority. Nightslice, likewise, didn’t budge an inch. The three humans who were watching the battle all shifted uneasily on their feet, bored out of their minds.

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 60%
Energy: 56%
Status: Resting peacefully. Frozen (moderate). Ice encasing his legs will severely impede movement. +2 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 94%
Energy: 65%
Status: Disappointed that the rain’s gone and went away. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. Also, Azure is rolling around in a puddle of water at Nightslice’s feet face. The rain has stopped.

Final notes
Xaldin attacks first next round.
Nightslice’s first chill didn’t restore full energy because he was attacked.
Ok, Now we can do some damage. First use Sunny day to kill the ice! Then I want you to use a quick attack, then quickly use a X-Scissor.

Sunny Day~Quick Attack+X-Scissor
Az, let him make a Sunny Day, then replace it with Rain Dance again, then Disable him and keep him from doing that combination and then use Octazooka.

Rain Dance~Disable~Octazooka
Originally posted by Xaldin
2 vs. 2
Style: Set
DQ Time: 3 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Dig, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, and all similar moves.
Arena: Final Destination

Just a floating, flat platform.

Round Ten

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 60%
Energy: 56%
Status: Resting peacefully. Frozen (moderate). Ice encasing his legs will severely impede movement. +2 Attack.
Commands: Sunny Day ~ Quick Attack + X-Scissor

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 94%
Energy: 65%
Status: Disappointed that the rain’s gone and went away. +1 Attack, +1 Speed
Commands: Rain Dance ~ Disable ~ Octazooka

Nightslice grumbled and awkwardly rolled onto his back. Sure, he was feeling much more energized after his rest, but he wouldn’t have minded taking a longer breather. One look at his legs told him that dancing to draw out the sun was definitely not an option. He grumbled again before opening his mouth to gather an orangish ball of energy in his mouth, closing his eyes to prevent them from being damaged by the light. As the sphere slowly took shape and gained colour, the Scyther traced invisible lines and swirls in the air in front of him with his scythes, clashing them together periodically. Finally, the orb reached a decent size, and Nightslice lowered his arms, tilted his head back, and let it fly.

The brilliant yellow-orange ball spiraled up towards the atmosphere at a startling speed, disappearing within the now-scattering clouds in seconds. There it exploded, washing the sky in a light mango hue that chased away any remaining clouds and brightened the sun’s rays. Azure squeaked in annoyance. He really didn’t want to deal with swelteringly-hot temperatures when he was out of the water, no thanks. Again he started rolling slowly about on the platform, wincing whenever a sensitive part of his body was squashed up against the unyielding metal. Like Nightslice, Azure gathered an orb of power in his mouth while he ‘danced’, but unlike his opponent, the Horsea’s orb was blue. After several moments the sphere had reached its maximum size and Azure shot it upwards, where it too exploded, turning the sky a sapphire colour that quickly faded into grey. Clouds, which were nowhere to be seen just seconds ago, gathered in and covered the sun, then started raining on the two Pokemon for all they were worth.

Nightslice hissed in disgust. The sun disappeared so quickly that there was no way the ice encasing his legs had time to melt. The cold solid certainly was thinner, but… He went through his commands, and indeed his next attack required him to be up on his feet. With a shrug he brought his right arm back and slammed the base of his scythe into the ice. It cracked. Three more swings saw the ice shattered and his legs free at last. Not that it mattered much; while Nightslice was busy freeing his feet, Azure had silently invaded his mind and was rummaging around for the motion control areas… Ah, there they were. The Horsea gave a little snicker before flicking his opponent’s brain, effectively locking his muscles up as the motion control areas were disturbed. The Scyther struggled against his rebelling limbs, but they simply would not move, and by the time the effects of the Disable had worn off he knew it was far too late to execute an attack.

Smiling inwardly at his opponent’s failures, Azure squirted some water into his mouth, where he mixed it with some ink from hidden stores and awkwardly used his tongue to form it into a jiggly, semi-solid black sphere. When he was done, he spat it powerfully at Nightslice, where the ink ball exploded and covered the mantis in a thick black liquid. He snarled and rubbed at his face with the blunt edges of his scythes, but thankfully most of the ink covered his torso, and the ink that did get on his face was quickly washed away by the rain.

Nightslice (M) <Technician>
Health: 54%
Energy: 50%
Status: Not very pleased by his ‘colour change’. +2 Attack.

Zaiella (XO)

Azure (M) <Swift Swim>
Health: 94%
Energy: 51%
Status: Generally feeling more cheerful. +1 Attack, +1 Speed

Terrain notes
There’s a chunk of metal ripped off the far edge of the platform. The puddle of water is very small at this point. It’s raining, and it will rain for another 12 actions (4 rounds).

Final notes
Zaiella attacks first next round.
Because Sunny Day was active for so little time, it didn’t completely melt the ice.
Because of that, Nightslice had to spend some time breaking the ice around his legs, and by that time Azure had executed Disable.
Due to Disable, Nightslice couldn’t execute his combo.
Sorry this reffing took so long. Somehow I misread Zaiella’s commands and though she wanted Disable to shut down Sunny Day and stop Nightslice from moving, and I was pretty iffy about that, so I went to ask Negrek. She didn’t reply, so I decided to roll a die and randomize the result, but before I did so I re-read Zaiella’s commands and proceeded to headdesk furiously. Slap me if you want :/
Aww, lol. Azure, if Nightslice thinks about changing the weather on you again, replace it with Hail. Otherwise, Hydro Pump, BubbleBeam and dragonbreath. If you are interrupted, I want you to attack like Hail~Hydro Pump~BubbleBeam, etc. Water moves take priority.

Hydro Pump~Bubblebeam~Dragonbreath
Sub: Hail
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