• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?



New member
Yes, i introduce myself with "Yazla" It's just a made up word i made which i now use as hello. Any-who, my name is Kakuna because that's my Zodiac Pokemon. yep. June 18th. Reign of Ho-oh, season of fire. although right now my house is about 50 degrees right now, so i don't feel so fiery :P. The reason i'm mainly here is because well, i like TCoD, TQoL, Pokemon, sometimes forums, and talking with friends in general (friends i hope to make at least.) I hope to one day get off my lazy butt and make my own Pokemon fan-fic, but sadly, that's not likely to happen. I may not seem very energetic now, but you just wait.

Is that a good hello? I have no idea. Just came here, so i haven't looked at anyone else's "hello forum" post.
Okay, lemme guess...New York?

Well then, welcome to the cave! I'll be your host for your (hopefully prolonged) visit. Can I get you some tea and cod?

So yeah. I recommend checking out the Anime-style battling forum if you haven't already, and the Safari zone also. If you ever need anything, just ask. I really hope that we can be friends and that you'll become a part of our community.

P.S. "Yazla" is the awesomest word in existence.

You seem to be using the old Zodiac. Now you come up with this:

Which is much awesomer in every way, I think.

Now, I am obligated to recommend to you the Animé-Style Battling and Safari Zone sections. They're good.

I hope you enjoy your stay!

(Psst The Quest for the Legends abbreviates as TQftL not TQoL)
Mine is Festival of Shiny (either shiny or shadow) Mesprit, Season of Emotion.

Anyways, hello, I'm Mewtwo, nice to meet a fellow member with a Pokémon name!
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