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New member
Yo! My name's Michael, and I've loved video games ever since I have been old enough to understand them. My first video game was Pokemon Yellow, and I own every generation of Pokemon games. I have been a devoted fan for quite a while. My favorite Pokemon is Swinub! I am excited to be a member of The Cave of the Dragonflies! Feel free to add me as a friend! Oh, and check out some gifs I made:


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Errr, hi!
Im a newcomer too, sorta. My first game was red, and I was stuck in the third gym and had a level 77 kadabra who I didnt know how to evolve. Oly when I gave up and lost the game I found out how to use. I was depressed and switched to crystal.
Im a turtwig and grotle, plus chimchar and monferno fan! nice to see you then.
Hello, Swinub33! My first Pokémon game wasn't one that I owned. Whenever I waited in my dentist's office, I would ask for the Pokémon game. This was Pokémon Blue; I always started with a Charmander named Firemy. I didn't really understand how it worked exactly, and I never got past Viridian Forest, but it was fun.

Some of my favorite Pokémon are Purugly, Luxray, Espeon and Umbreon. The list could go on forever... With Swampert in 7th.
Hello, Swinub33! My first Pokémon game wasn't one that I owned. Whenever I waited in my dentist's office, I would ask for the Pokémon game. This was Pokémon Blue; I always started with a Charmander named Firemy. I didn't really understand how it worked exactly, and I never got past Viridian Forest, but it was fun.

Some of my favorite Pokémon are Purugly, Luxray, Espeon and Umbreon. The list could go on forever... With Swampert in 7th.

LOL, I have memories like that too...I would just only train my Blastoise and use Earthquake to pwn my rival's Venasaur...

I don't like Purugly...Why? Well, it's ugly! XD I have a Glameow with an Everstone in my Pearl, though.

See you around!
You know what's sad? My first game, yes, my FIRST, was Diamond. DIAMOND. Even though I've been a fan since Johto. (was born the same year Pokemon came out in the US)

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo. Guess what my favorite Pokemon is?
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