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fka Grimdour, for the curious
What do you use when editing?

I use Photofiltre, and iTunes to an extent(I can't make anything without music).

It's pretty damn easy when recoloring, and it has 1/10 to 16x zoom and gradient tools for making color charts, the text box can be edited and you can add the hex code to any color to use online.

It's no Photoshop but it's free.
I only use paint, except sometimes on pixelovers.

What's the difference between ms paint and paint.net?
GIMP. Only thing I bother with as it's both free and considerably more useful than MSPaint or Paint.NET or a bunch of other things. :/
Paint is a pain in the ass to learn well enough to have any idea how to do much of anything.

It's pretty useless.
Useless? The best sprites I've seen have been made in paint. Besides, free is pretty useful. ;P
GIMP is free, too, you know.

spending time learning how to do things that are easy in normal programs and broadly doable in paint with effort is a waste of time
Paint. Yes it is simple, but easiest for me to use <.<

And photoshop for banners and avatars and stuff.
Yeah, yeah I know. But still, I'm used to Paint, and I prefer it for spriting. You can't change my opinion.
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