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YouTube Poop Fan Club

My favourite always changes, but ATM my fav is 'Ganon Hates Grating Cheese'
Does anyone have the first one when they make fun of Morshu going 'hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'?
That's because hardly anyone's posting.

Mah boi!

This peace it what all true warriors strive for!
Are you kidding me?!

Just got into the Youtbe Poop scene. I forgot how... I love Most of all, Sonic says "That's- good."
I saw one once I can't remember it's name but it went.

Hey Kids! No one cool wants to tell you that you make them feel uncomfortable. You're NO GOOD. So get outta there!

Do you know how many "Sonic approves of rape" attempts there are? Especially when all you have to do is cut out a word or two and maybe move some sounds around.

Oh, and that sig should read "Click on them baby dragons or else they will DIE" or something like that for extra epic
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