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New profile posts

they shut down Quicktopic last december and I AM SO UPSET. Literally like distraught at all the old scumchats that just got lost. Like that one where I was Iris with a Haxorus in MF's Pokemon Choice Mafia and the mafia won, I would have loveeeeed to go back to that old chat but literally it is not archived at all. It is lost. I hate this.
Confused as to how to link my ASB and forum profiles, just put the ASB link it, the forum profile won't work.
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Oh neat, I can post on my profile!! (there's still so many things I feel like I don't know how to do on forums ;_;)
just noticed you've got a neocities version of nose club now! or did you decide to change hosting?
  • Grin
Reactions: Bluwiikoon
I'm still on the same hosting, but I thought having a neocities mirror would be good for interacting with the community :D And, the activity page on there also serves as a good RSS feed for any neocities site I follow!
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