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If you are wondering about the pronouns, I'm fluid and I prefer people using the pronouns that are correct at the moment, but that's impossible on a forum, so just pick the ones you'd like to use. And at least try to use he/him or she/her. I don't particulary hate most other pronouns (except for they/them), but I don't like them either.
Reading through old threads of when I was super active playing mafia on Twitter 👁👁
twitter mafia sounds terrifying
It's mostly via DMs, so it's not that crazy ! But we would also all vaguetweet about the game, which was very funny.
Miss ya friend. Hope everything is going well. If you happen to see this via email or something, do you have a discord?
Hey! Long time no see lol
oh my GOD hello! everyone's coming back!

i swear i remember this username somewhat (also i just saw our old messages so sweet ...) but did you ever have another one that i might also recognize??
Have nooo idea what I'm missing but apparently I have insufficient privileges to reply to the Mafia signups. You already know I'm down !!
I had a really vivid dream about a... gijinka or pokemorph rp happening here and now I'm pretty bummed that it wasn't real!
I wonder what being here was like in the past? I feel a bit like an archeologist that has stumbled upon beautiful ruins that haven't been completely abandoned yet.
It was certainly more active last time I was here a whole decade ago. Wasn't as active as the major fan forums, but it had a decently-sized community of active members that gave this place a very comfortable and tight-knit atmosphere. Everyone pretty much recognized each other.
Ah, it sounds a lot like other forum communities I remember. Makes a lot of sense. That definitely is the vibe forums I'm drawn to usually have.
yeah, it used to be super active back in the day -- there are blips every now and again (other than the rp) from mafia games but it's been quiet for a while now. it was definitely very tight-knit, i made some of my best friends here :") happy to find new faces showing up, regardless
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