2 vs. 2 double
DQ Time: 5 days
Damage Cap: None
Banned moves: OHKOs, Destiny Bond, Perish Song and similar; Super Fang, Endeavor, Pain Split, and similar; 5 chills/Pokemon, 1 direct healer/Pokemon
Arena: Basic Stage
The Basic Stage is simply that; a plain expanse of mottled white tiled floor. A large pond of water waits on the side, for Water types to use and stay in. Above is the sky, where for now, the sun hovers far above. There are no special effects, and the field is completely flat, the tiling reaching about a hundred feet square. The tiling isn’t very strong, and can easily be broken for access to dirt for moves such as Dig and Mud Slap.
Round Four
Simulator (xO)
(X) <Pressure>
Health: 28%
Energy: 169%
Status: Drenched and extremely annoyed. Safeguard in effect (2 more actions). Encored (1 more action).
Commands: Safeguard (hit Dwight\Starbuck) / Fly @Dwight\Starbuck / Rest ~ Fly@ Dwight\Starbuck / Rest / Snore @Dwight\Starbuck ~ Fly @Dwight\Starbuck / Rest / Snore @Dwight\Starbuck
Pathos (xOOO)

@Lucky Egg
Dwight (M) <Water Absorb>
Health: 67%
Energy: 57%
Status: Tiring.
Commands: Double-Edge @Starbuck ~ Double-Edge @Starbuck ~ Double-Edge @Moltres

Starbuck (F) <Torrent>
Health: 73%
Energy: 75%
Status: Struggling to keep her head above the water. Paralyzed (very severe).
Commands: Double-Edge @Dwight ~ Double-Edge @Dwight ~ Double-Edge @Dwight
Upon receiving their commands, pathos’ Pokemon both turned around to look at him in confusion. They were supposed to attack their teammates? Why, especially when Moltres was so close to unconsciousness? But when pathos did not offer any alternatives, Dwight and Starbuck shrugged; their trainer knew better. Right?
This hesitation gave Moltres time to creep up to Dwight. Green light sparkled at a wingtip as it prepared to create another (unneeded) Safeguard, but this time when the great bird swept its wing around itself, it hit Dwight as well. The Poliwag squeaked in surprise and ducked under the surface of the water so the cool liquid could soothe his mild burns. Compared to the previous Solarbeams though, this little smack was nothing, and he soon peered cautiously out of the water again.
Dwight faced Starbuck with an apologetic look. The Mudkip gulped and braced herself. Dwight wiggled backwards to give himself some distance, then swam forward at top speed with his head lowered. His skull smashed powerfully into Starbuck’s chest – a painful crack was heard – and she was flung clear out of the water, her breath sticking in her throat. She hit the ground hard, seemingly stunned, though she groaned and shifted feebly after a moment. The Double-Edge was much stronger than she had anticipated, and now her chest smarted horribly. Likewise, Dwight was wincing and shaking stars out of his head.
After Starbuck staggered to her feet and took a moment to recover, she lowered her head and dashed towards the pool, crashing right into Dwight’s belly. The Poliwag gave a garbled cry as he slammed into the opposite bank, an ugly bruise already forming on his white stomach. He used his tail to rub his sore stomach while Starbuck blinked stars out of her eyes.
Moltres raised an eyebrow at its opponents’ brawl. Well, it was better for it if the two decided to simultaneously annihilate each other, right? Even so, it couldn’t hurt to speed up the process. Though the prospect of creating more sparkly green barriers was tempting, it would be better to abandon the defensive and go on the offensive. The firebird flapped its great wings to lift itself high into the air and waited for its opponents to move.
Pathos’ Pokemon took no notice of Moltres, though, and instead hurled themselves at each other again. With a gurgling howl Dwight rammed his skull into Starbuck’s chest with incredible force – right in the spot he had hit her before. Again she was flung out of the pond to land in a miserable heap on the bank. Terrible pain radiated from her chest and she struggled to breathe. It took longer than usual for her to recuperate, and even then her breathing was somewhat laboured.
That didn’t stop her from landing her own Double-Edge on Dwight. Starbuck’s muscles spasmed briefly and she ground her teeth, waiting for her paralysis to pass. When she regained control, she lowered her head and sprinted at her partner, aiming for his soft belly. Her aim was true and Dwight was thrown into the opposite wall again. Both his stomach and his back were terribly sore, but the Poliwag was in better condition than Starbuck, who was cringing and gasping. The recoil from Double-Edge pushed the Mudkip over some threshold, unlocking a fearsome power that was only available in dire times. A blue aura seeped from Starbuck’s skin, swathing her in excess water-type energy that would give an extra bite to her attacks.
A screech from above made Dwight’s head snap up, and he saw Moltres lunging at him, talons extended. He tried to duck underwater but he was too slow, and Moltres merely had to stretch a bit more to rake its claws across Dwight’s head. Blood began to flow from his cuts and he began to feel the pull of unconsciousness. The hailstones steadily striking his body didn’t help at all.
Moltres took to the skies again almost immediately, and as it flew its Safeguard dissolved into the air. The bird gave a caw of annoyance, then turned to look at its opponents. This time, Dwight didn’t turn on his partner, but Starbuck did. She swam backwards until her tail touched the wall, then swam forward at top speed, smashing her skull into Dwight’s belly for the third time. Bubbles escaped from his mouth but he was too exhausted and beat up to wail properly.
Then a set of talons descended from the sky and opened yet more wounds into the Poliwag’s body. It was more than Dwight could take, and his vision was swamped by black spots as he was dragged into unconsciousness.
Simulator (xO)
(X) <Pressure>
Health: 25%
Energy: 159%
Status: Pleased to be rid of Dwight.
Commands: Safeguard (hit Dwight) ~ Fly @Dwight ~ Fly @Dwight
Pathos (xxOO)

@Lucky Egg
Dwight (M) <Water Absorb>
Health: 0%
Energy: 41%
Status: Knocked out!
Commands: Double-Edge @Starbuck ~ Double-Edge @Starbuck ~ nothing

Starbuck (F) <Torrent>
Health: 28%
Energy: 49%
Status: Too busy spasming and gasping to mourn Dwight. Paralyzed (severe to very severe). Trouble breathing (1% energy/action). Torrent activated.
Commands: Double-Edge @Dwight ~ Double-Edge @Dwight ~ Double-Edge @Dwight
Terrain notes
Starbuck is in the pool. The hail has stopped.
Final notes
pathos sends out and attacks first next round.
Both of Dwight’s Double-Edges were critical hits.
Dwight’s second Double-Edge rolled the best possible number, so the attack broke some ribs and gave Starbuck breathing problems.
Dwight fainted on the third action.