oh man, good times.
- Pronoun
- she/her
i don’t want to type it on my phone tbh. if i die overnight you know rari killed me! dohohohoh!

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i don’t want to type it on my phone tbh. if i die overnight you know rari killed me! dohohohoh!
this is about how i feel i thinkIf you make me pick between Mawile and Stryke I probably go Mawile > Stryke but I don't feel confident in either and would rather go here or Odie
oh really? I thought you felt worse about StrykeIf you make me pick between Mawile and Stryke I probably go Mawile > Stryke but I don't feel confident in either and would rather go here or Odie
Part of the reason I don't feel good about Chemist is because he's been sitting on me all day without really explaining himself so
I don’t know if that’s a good reason? I mean, qva’s been shading me since d1 and I don’t really have a reason to suspect of herPart of the reason I don't feel good about Chemist is because he's been sitting on me all day without really explaining himself so
Why for these bolded parts? I thought Stryke talked about some of his reads at length. I think I agree with your take on him below that, below.
- Keldeo, well, we've discussed this at length, I still feel uneasy but I don't have anything more to offer and am starting to doubt myself
- Stryke is providing a lot of original thought, although he hasn't given much to substantiate his unusual reads
I felt were about Stryke because I think thread context makes him look bad but I kind like where he went today so I'm hm about itoh really? I thought you felt worse about Stryke
(tbh why hasn't he roleclaimed yet?)
In what way?I felt were about Stryke because I think thread context makes him look bad but I kind like where he went today so I'm hm about it
Yeah tbh this is probably wise. Really don't want a situation where Stryke claims a power role and we all panic and switch to Mawile, who turns out to be the missing nanotech doc or somethingFor the record, not advocating a last minute lynch wagon for a non-Odie, Mawile, or Stryke person. I think we should stick to what we've decided at this point and not try to introduce someone new based on last minute panic if we don't have time to think it over???
It's not really because he's reading me negatively so much as I don't think he's reading me, at least not openlyI don’t know if that’s a good reason? I mean, qva’s been shading me since d1 and I don’t really have a reason to suspect of her
Who did you target these first two nights? Would that be beneficial to say, do you think?I think the closest thing I can find to my role is a motion detector: basically I can choose a person and if they get targeted by a night action or if they use a night action themselves, I get notified. I haven't really gotten much out of it, unfortunately.
is this an easy scum claim or villy bc he would’ve invented results as scumI think the closest thing I can find to my role is a motion detector: basically I can choose a person and if they get targeted by a night action or if they use a night action themselves, I get notified. I haven't really gotten much out of it, unfortunately.
Dangerous to invent results if he didn't have this role just in case someone didn't act, right? But then again they could have been targeted I guess.is this an easy scum claim or villy bc he would’ve invented results as scum
Yeah, I think his vote on you was basically entirely a sheep on Boq.It's not really because he's reading me negatively so much as I don't think he's reading me, at least not openly