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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

Yeah, I see that wrt Rari, Eifie...

I don't actually think I have anything concrete I can point to on them besides the lol "keeping a CSV" read, which maybe means I'm being bamboozled, but they have posted like 200+ times in a huge thread and they keep doing these really small things that make me feel good. Like recently, talking about how Odie could get killed by the mafia... if they were involved with the mafia chat planning a kill last night, why would they think that? It could be faked but it feels more genuine. idk it's super nebulous.
on the other hand i think herbe is so likable that mafiachat totally would have appointed him to be the mafia rep among the actives :(((
I hadn’t thought about this possibility. Hm. (still townreading him tho)
Oh, I didn't even realize. I think him having died peacefully(?) in his bed is a pretty big point against him having intercepted some kind of kill...
(but then again the mafia may be fucking around with the flavourtext)
my read on him is one of my townreads that's like super contingent on tone, but as time goes on his growth curve is also adding to my Trust Level
so we're t-minus an hour, yeah? at least it actually feels like we have an hour left, vs it feeling like we had 5 minutes left at this time last day
also if y'all have any questions for me i'm happy to answer :> but it seems like i'm just kinda spectating a chat about me so idk if theres any call to action for me to Respond
Random thoughts on A God Am I, because bluh idk where to go wrt actual thread stuff:
- The fact that it goes to villainous characters / is associated woth a lot of villainous tropes has me scratching my head a bit about Boq's flip. Were 'villainous' tropes usually mafia in the older game, or did that not really factor into someone's alignment?
- Does not really make sense for Boq being a bodyguard, I think?
- Dreaming God or something might make sense, I think that was brought up at some point by someone. But the page says it relies on a self-proclamation - not actually having powers. Makes me think Boq might have to activate his ability in the thread?

Negrek's the source for this being Boq's power, right?

tl;dr I have no idea but it seems a little fishy but I still have no idea what to do with that.
Continuing on this line, "godliness" or "being godlike" could relate to:
- omniscience or great knowledge, similar to what Ottercopter was proposing
- absolute or great power, although the page notes that just having godlike powers themselves doesn't count
- simple cockiness or confidence (implied overconfidence) - I guess I just don't have any idea how this would translate to an ability in a mafia game, haha. Besides a public action, maybe something that could possibly backfire?

Flavor spec is probably kinda useless.
extremely left-field guess: Eifie's "hardclaim n1 green" on Mr. Ultracool is from them being the cultists?

tbh I doubt this is worth speculating about 1 hour before the deadline though
Holy shit I want to save this line of thought to pull on it on d3
what do you think is really going to happen in the next 40 minutes?
Sure, but on principle I don't think it would be great for him to claim unless he's dying for sure, and the wagons are super loose right now. Does that make sense?

Like Stryke can claim now if he wants, but I don't want him to have to reveal that info if it's not actually useful to us.
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