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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

god I wish this had been brought up earlier in the day because now that it feels like there's some resistance to the Mawile lynch I kind of want it to happen a bit more
A fair thought
I think it probably wouldn't come up early regardless since most people want to use the day to the fullest tho
i think the only semiactive player i'd feel moderately ok voting for right now is mawile but i feel so uneasy about how. evenly "okay" i feel about everyone, except for my few strong town reads and we all know who they are
also because of what eifie just said i feel like at least lynching inactives will feel like we're narrowing down. at least given the fact that i feel like this day phase has revealed nothing except that my questionable feelings about a lot of people are now ... even more complex (MF especially)
Random thoughts on A God Am I, because bluh idk where to go wrt actual thread stuff:
- The fact that it goes to villainous characters / is associated woth a lot of villainous tropes has me scratching my head a bit about Boq's flip. Were 'villainous' tropes usually mafia in the older game, or did that not really factor into someone's alignment?
- Does not really make sense for Boq being a bodyguard, I think?
- Dreaming God or something might make sense, I think that was brought up at some point by someone. But the page says it relies on a self-proclamation - not actually having powers. Makes me think Boq might have to activate his ability in the thread?

Negrek's the source for this being Boq's power, right?

tl;dr I have no idea but it seems a little fishy but I still have no idea what to do with that.
yeah öörgh but I want to know if there really are a lot of mafia in there or if I'm terribly misreading several people

yeah I mean I don't disagree that's why I'm lowkey on board if the wagons stay in disarray

that was supposed to be connected to the other things so like: the reason why no one said anything earlier isn't necessary mawile it could just be people don't like considering it until they have

but I had to wait 7 seconds to perform the action so me post got split
Sorry for all the typos :( I promise I'll get on the ball at some point.

yeah öörgh but I want to know if there really are a lot of mafia in there or if I'm terribly misreading several people

You asked me if the game was hard. Who would be mafia that you're currently townreading to make the game hard? What are your doubts?

I feel pretty good about my strong town tier and have like no thoughts outside of that, haha... I think the reads I feel most doubtful about there are kyeugh/mewtini/rari, because kyeugh's fooled me before and I don't have a metric for mewtini/rari's scum ranges, but I still feel good about the reads.
- Does not really make sense for Boq being a bodyguard, I think?
Okay, this is a long shot, but it’s something that passed through my mind: what if A God Am I means that he has delusions of immortality, and thus he’s a bodyguard?

but then again if that were true he wouldn’t die at home
You asked me if the game was hard. Who would be mafia that you're currently townreading to make the game hard? What are your doubts?

I feel pretty good about my strong town tier and have like no thoughts outside of that, haha... I think the reads I feel most doubtful about there are kyeugh/mewtini/rari, because kyeugh's fooled me before and I don't have a metric for mewtini/rari's scum ranges, but I still feel good about the reads.
I have been thinking about that but was unsure if it is productive to talk about right now

I think kyeugh is like 99% town and mewtini is like 90% town though
I mean, transparency, what else are we doing, etc.

With Herbe I'm not boosting him up to my top town tier because there's less of the, like, initiative or restlessness that I see in Mewtini (the former is the same with kyeugh, but kyeugh has had a greater volume / consistency / fluidity in her thoughts imo) - I remember there was a post at some point toDay where he just said like welp, guess there's nothing else to do right now, and on day 1 I had to prod him to give reasoning - but I've also felt like his posts and takes are like, fine and reasonable. I like his tone.
I mean, transparency, what else are we doing, etc.

With Herbe I'm not boosting him up to my top town tier because there's less of the, like, initiative or restlessness that I see in Mewtini (the former is the same with kyeugh, but kyeugh has had a greater volume / consistency / fluidity in her thoughts imo) - I remember there was a post at some point toDay where he just said like welp, guess there's nothing else to do right now, and on day 1 I had to prod him to give reasoning - but I've also felt like his posts and takes are like, fine and reasonable. I like his tone.
the other 3 people in my probably town tier were Herbe, rari_teh, and Kokorico I think. I can't decide which one would be the one I was wrong about if any. personally I think maybe Herbe, but qva's take on rari_teh has been giving me a lot of pause because I think qva has really good instincts. and Kokorico I feel I'm just kinda townreading because everyone else does and they seem to have solid enough posts
personally I think maybe Herbe
i wondered earlier but my personal case in favor of town!herbe is that, regardless of alignment, he's new to the game and will be timid either way. with those anxieties in mind i feel like mafia!herbe would probably not have the growth curve that he's had in this game - where he started out quiet but grew into himself a bit and started fighting for or against people on occasion

on the other hand i think herbe is so likable that mafiachat totally would have appointed him to be the mafia rep among the actives :(((

qva's take on rari_teh has been giving me a lot of pause because I think qva has really good instincts
i've been thinking about this too today but also don't want to open this can of worms now
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