어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까
- Pronoun
- she/her
wait, the first time was mewmew-chan. even worse,mewtini-chan*
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wait, the first time was mewmew-chan. even worse,mewtini-chan*
I no longer understand the passage of time and I didn't realize the game lasted this longWait
D1 started on April 9
god that's a long time ago
kyeugh's been killing it at mafia recently, but this might be the high point tbhI should note that I did not write the exekyeughte line, I DMed kyeugh asking if she had a zingy one-liner that she wanted to say as she kills Seshas and she delivered
and an additional mafia member was a Minion With An F In Evil, who was secretly aligned with the innocents but was forbidden from naming or hinting at the identities of their fellow mafia members within the thread.
oh, thanks!! i'm both surprised and very glad that my first game shenanigans inspired this emotion honestly.Also I had a gut feeling from the beginning that at least one of kyeugh/mewtini was nontown leading the village by the nose, so yay? But I couldn't substantiate that logically because they both played so damn well. (Though I suppose mewtini was actually shrugtown for most of the game anyway, so towny play makes more sense...)
kratos ... plsHopefully I'll be able to get my head screwed on straight one of these days and actually get todie on N0play with you beautiful people again, aw.
"Town just got exekyeughted,"
Her house is adorable and full of cute Pokémon. There is not a suspicious business card in sight.
- Sir Swearsalot, my favorite role (and not only because I created that trope), was an outgroup mafia who could kill by posting "Fuck you, [username]" in the thread (a Precision F Strike).
Her house is adorable and full of cute Pokémon.