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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

by the way, i've been thinking about keldeo's (lol) question for me and i don't see a reason not to say it. was just scared of being too rash while half-asleep last night since it was like 3am when we were talking

@mewtini - if you're comfortable saying, how did you know one of Eifie's clears was true?
i got a whisper like VM's about ultracool on n2. wanted to wait to see if ultracool actually seemed trustworthy, and he ended up claiming bodysnatcher which seemed legit to me but i wasn't sure if it was info i should reveal or not after seeing how VM's whispertalk seemed to rile up some worry
I am mechanically confirmed non-town but that's weird because I should have investigated as innocent

mysterious indeed
to yourself maybe but if keldeo flipped red on you, you are just as incriminated as mf is as far as i'm concerned. desu. you even both tried to claim cop!
wanted to wait to see if ultracool actually seemed trustworthy,
this is also why i didn't elaborate on which clear i knew about (at the time i just said "one of them seems valid" and then mist's ended up being cop cover). was waiting 4 Evidence. which seems to have panned out in all respects?
before I stop being serious, I would like a question for you all to ponder

if I'm not helping town, why do I care so much about M&F dying today instead of me?

think on that for a bit.
I am mechanically confirmed non-town but that's weird because I should have investigated as innocent

mysterious indeed
to yourself maybe but if keldeo flipped red on you, you are just as incriminated as mf is as far as i'm concerned. desu. you even both tried to claim cop!
fair enough, but I'm being more ~mysterious~ about it c:
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