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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

I might as well claim now?
I am RNP's sandwich quote, can give a sandwich each night to a player which provides a notification
and once per game I can protect someone and die in their place if they're attacked
did anyone receive a sandwich last night that can back this up?
I might as well claim now?
I am RNP's sandwich quote, can give a sandwich each night to a player which provides a notification
and once per game I can protect someone and die in their place if they're attacked
did you give out a sandwich last night?
To answer MF's prompt I don't have a better idea for wagons but also don't feel bad about the current one. I'm like whatever about flipping Seshas, and idt koko or tbh is going over at this point.
I might as well claim now?
I am RNP's sandwich quote, can give a sandwich each night to a player which provides a notification
and once per game I can protect someone and die in their place if they're attacked
hmmmm. did someone else talk about sandwiches earlier in the thread? I vaguely remember that happenning
I might as well claim now?
I am RNP's sandwich quote, can give a sandwich each night to a player which provides a notification
and once per game I can protect someone and die in their place if they're attacked
confirming the sandwich tbh
um, if mist ends up validating this i’m going to feel really weird about her. also if she doesn’t but seshas ends up flipping town.
good news guys

hardclaim Rueben, Mafia Sandwich Maker
The sandwiches buff the rate of every ITA you make by 5% so be sure to eat them
ready to get shot D4/yeeted D2/spam grilled cheeses on Lukundo for him to whiff his shot anyways/whatever

yes this was prewritten no I don't care
this is the soft I mentioned earlier
fwiw this is almost certainly the message that she was talking about w/r/t "this could out a power role, I'm pretty sure I caught a soft for it"
yeah i'm kind of concerned about the seshas wagon growth :'D but between seshas/koko i think we probably stay on seshas unless rari's/my imminent reread uncovers something suddenly

sudden ETA seshas rolling over back there and being really into claiming early and now claiming with 40 minutes left (fruit vendor + oneshot babysitter?) is meh
um, if mist ends up validating this i’m going to feel really weird about her. also if she doesn’t but seshas ends up flipping town.
uhhh, nvm actually, for some reason i was thinking the sandwich would personally identify seshas to mist and was thinking it would be weird for her to not have said anything sooner, but after thinking for literally one second that doesn’t make sense because the sandwich was probably anonymous.
removing strong townreads:
Vipera Magnifica
I think I have to go to dinner now and may not be back by EoD
I trust you guys to make an informed decision tbh
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