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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
it was on purpose! if you never made that quote then no one would have been a bus drivertoo bad i'm SUPER good at getting red checks on SCUM totally on PURPOSE!
I accidentally made this endpost on the deadchat but here it also is in full mainchat glory![]()
glaring flaws aside, this has been an awesome game! like TV Tropes before, I stopped paying attention along the way (although this time I had a totally good reason, right,), but at least, I wasn't alone! and speaking of not being alone, I'll definitely look forward to hydraing with my amazing bro again
props to everyone who made this first town win happen! sure, the preposterous success rate of the night actions can't be denied to have mattered for it, but both sides of the coin still played quite well for the hands they were dealt, so it'd likely have come down to the swing nonetheless. I'll take it over the games when the swing was going either way but the mafia was staying well ahead-
and thanks for GMing, Mawile! this has been a super interesting setup, and what can I say, the flavor was rich
and like this is such a weird thing to break the rules to say* a portal opens & a ghostly version of hydreigon appears *
check RNP tonight
* a ghostly version of hydreigon then disappears *
hahahahahaha. god yes.trying to telepathically figure out w mewtini what our roles our in-thread was fun
you ever type 'as always' and then decide to go with 'as per usual' but then blackout while hitting post replyas per always
OH YEAH i forgot lmaois everyone going to get access to graveyard?! :D
well tbf it was super fun constantly finding new ways to wriggle out of itI still think this game would have gone down a lot better if kyeugh did not in fact get a N0 red on koko
and like this is such a weird thing to break the rules to say* a portal opens & a ghostly version of hydreigon appears *
check RNP tonight
* a ghostly version of hydreigon then disappears *
to put suspicion on a town that's all but confirmed
and like this is such a weird thing to break the rules to say* a portal opens & a ghostly version of hydreigon appears *
check RNP tonight
* a ghostly version of hydreigon then disappears *
to put suspicion on a town that's all but confirmed
For the future Hydre if you want to add flavor to the game you could ask the gm to add it to the start of day or end of day post!
And yeah, like Storm said, me and other spectators/dead players were only watching and reacting to posts unrelated to the game itself. Except Jack because he had specific permission to post a last will and even that was done through Mawile