bbt and minion tbh
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- they/them
Completed: Kool-Aid Champs Style 15er #1
a Hydreigon wolf game if anyone was interested
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i have nothing beyond screamingWhat's your strat to start feeling good about anything tbhbecause it's probably +ev numerically and i don't feel good enough about anything else to justify Not doing thatSo why the votewe are 7 pages in and im doing that thing again where i play in like 7 mafia games at the same time and can focus on none of them
@Hydreigon25 Why did you ask this question?
@Herbe is there any reason you picked me out of this?hi loves!
calling it now i bet it's mist /s
@bbtbh hi if you have a legit scumread why are you just policy voting hydreigonI have a super-spicy one-post scumread that I'm going to sit on until postgame and if somehow this snap one-post read is incorrect (gasp!) I will pretend it never happened
oh, yeah, i got that. and like i said, i'd be agreeing with you if it were... not I can clarify to koko that e seems to have the wrong idea about why we were voting em
we were voting em because it felt like "I forgot this game existed" into "so how many mafia do you think there are" felt like it could be a wolf trying to be like "look at me I'm so uninformed"
hmm, ok. that actually looks more like (what I've been thinking of as) their town game than the other game you posted, so... idk.Completed: Kool-Aid Champs Style 15er #1
a Hydreigon wolf game if anyone was interested
this is poorly wordedhmm, ok. that actually looks more like (what I've been thinking of as) their town game than the other game you posted, so... idk.Completed: Kool-Aid Champs Style 15er #1
a Hydreigon wolf game if anyone was interested
yeah that was why I basically have no readthis is poorly wordedhmm, ok. that actually looks more like (what I've been thinking of as) their town game than the other game you posted, so... idk.Completed: Kool-Aid Champs Style 15er #1
a Hydreigon wolf game if anyone was interested
what I mean is, if you had linked me these two games and asked me which one they were town and which one they were wolf, I would have got it wrong
so that perhaps makes me less willing to suss them straight off the bat here based on the lack of content.
if we're playing keldeoquestions nowpage...2!
@Hydreigon25 Why did you ask this question?
@Herbe is there any reason you picked me out of this?hi loves!
calling it now i bet it's mist /s
@bbtbh hi if you have a legit scumread why are you just policy voting hydreigonI have a super-spicy one-post scumread that I'm going to sit on until postgame and if somehow this snap one-post read is incorrect (gasp!) I will pretend it never happened
probably ZM for lack of engagement@Mistyx supposing you had to vote for someone right now, who would it be and why
lol sorry but that doesnt sound like funi have nothing beyond screamingWhat's your strat to start feeling good about anything tbhbecause it's probably +ev numerically and i don't feel good enough about anything else to justify Not doing thatSo why the votewe are 7 pages in and im doing that thing again where i play in like 7 mafia games at the same time and can focus on none of them
but i guess i'll give this a shot
it was bbt doing the vote but i will hazard a guess (and I see that bbt has posted) that vote parking on a scum read and just watching how the other people in the game either sit and stare for the whole day, being passive is not as helpful than trying to stirr up some!
@Hydreigon25 Why did you ask this question?
@Herbe is there any reason you picked me out of this?hi loves!
calling it now i bet it's mist /s
@bbtbh hi if you have a legit scumread why are you just policy voting hydreigonI have a super-spicy one-post scumread that I'm going to sit on until postgame and if somehow this snap one-post read is incorrect (gasp!) I will pretend it never happened
wait is the day over or are we set in the wrong time zone smhSleep | 1 | Mistyx (121)
Hydreigon | 1 | bbtbh (129)
bbtbh votes Mistyx [->1] (30)
bbtbh votes (Mistyx) -> kokorico [0->1] (46)
Mistyx votes Mistyx [->1] (47)
Mistyx votes (Mistyx) -> Sleep [0->1] (121)
bbtbh votes (kokorico) -> Hydreigon [0->1] (129)
About 5.5 hours remain in day.