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  • TG: but i only have 500...
    TG: fine
    TG: code to my acount is dfe9-03er-fo49.
    TG: take ONLY 413 boondollars
    TG: or i will find you and do something to you that im not in the mood te describe right now
    TG: im watching you...
    CGG: aw...
    CGG: we should at least remember its name!
    CGG: "you shall be remembered rainbow rumpus" : )
    CGG: this is what happens when you bring in karkat nepeta!
    CGG: i bet you are planning on going to get him from another time!
    CGG: ooh! i remember now!
    CGC: nepeta! we must dicuss why karkat is losing the last strands of sanity he has!
    CGC: seeing as he wants to troll some kids!!
    GG: truely an excellent question...
    GG: *jade raises her hand to the judge terezi* why were we wondering about this again?
    TG: meatball
    TG: hahaha
    TG: nerdiness is completely obliterated by cool
    TG: i could do something with a box of fireworks
    TG: or something that has a badass japanese name
    TG: that would put me WAY ahead of john
    TG: john?
    TG: he couldnt compete
    TG: especially with all those lame movies he watches
    TG: i heard he kissed a poster
    TG: we usually also try not to teach anyone else how to be cool
    TG: theres not enough cool to go around
    TG: i dont see why theyd do that
    TG: yeah
    TG: it doesnt work
    TG: thanks
    TG: they dont
    TG: and everyone knows you surf on a monitor and turn your hat inside out
    TG: thats like the coolest cool one can get
    TG: be uncool
    TG: that is pretty cool tho
    TG: i still dont understand it
    TG: ninja weapons help
    TG: that sucks
    TG: each place should have at least one coolkid
    CGG: i think its a stupid plan!!
    CGG: but its good to be inspirational!
    CGG: but that plan.......
    CGG: it just annoys us a lot!!
    CGG: why is he planning that anyway?
    CGG: it really isn't that smart of a plan!
    CGG: he shall not get into rainbow rumpus partytown!!
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