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Black Yoshi
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    Sounds like epicness incarnate.

    I shall share quite a bit via pm. Cause it's sort of a lot lol. It does involve an oc that hasn't been introduced yet.
    Hmmm... that ah doesn't follow the universe too well, at least tdc. Kodlak is still alive.
    I LOVE MANGOS!! :D And, strawberries, too!^^ Fruit is awesome^^ Sometimes I don't really crave the sweetness much, though. I like stuff like crackers and sunflower seeds and rice cakes a lot :3 And tofu X3;

    And anything spicy so long as theres no meat in it lol (i'm a vegetarian^^)
    That meanie! Completely evil!

    Wait... Harbinger? THE Harbinger? What about Kodlak?
    Oranges are pretty tasty^^ Yeah, I like apples a lot ^_^ And figs too ^_^ And cherries >w<; I miss them XD >w<;

    I also like banannas ^_^ Whats your favorite fruits? ^_^
    I. Hate. Elves.

    This is a common theme with me and fandoms. Ninety-percent of the time they are pompus jerky jerks. Whether it's Skyrim, DnD, LOTR, heck even Inheritance Cycle, the elves make me want to punch things.

    Revak we will learn is a bit racist when it comes to mer, and with good reason, seeing his history in full light, at least as Tiber Septim. Jorund is even worse, who basically thinks every non Nord is a waste of air. Revak's nicer in that he will give them a chance, though it may be slight, and he is more hate-y of Altmer than Bosmer or Dunmer.

    Damn do goody, holier than thou, lawful stupid, pointy eared....

    ... I should probably stop writing for Jorund for a little while. :/
    ....Thats a rather funnay face ahahahahaha XD;

    Suddenly i'm craving some cinnamon apple sauce xD; I just hope my going down the stairs doesn't bother my mom....(i had an aspie meltdown earlier..)(:<)
    ....XD Dat may be the truth thar.


    All Your Base Are Belong to Us. :P
    ...Do you like that meme, too?
    *attempts to reattach Yoshi's arm* That looks awesome! Otherwise holy shit that is epic. Lucy looks ready to lay the smackdown on something, or rather someone. I hope that Thalmor arse.

    I hate elves.

    You know, I played through Revak as a character. If you want I can take a pic (XBOX, no compy so cheap camera phone pic, actually very expensive camera phone pic :3) and send it over. I could even send people like, say, Cato, Malik (not really since Malik is a seven foot tall digitigrade Khajiit built like a one cat tank), or even that jerk Jorund.
    I don't even think I gave said threads a good look. XD; Or even remember them by...name, possably o_o; I just know topic bumping tends not to be against the rules on forums me and close friends of mine own....on average^^;;
    Not that I don't feel like sharing. xD; More like I wasn't really sure which threads to post in lol. Maybe its best I ask a staff member next...

    LOL! Is that a fire bender? XD;

    ..."Paraphrasing"? o.o'?
    See, but then everything will be so much more awesome, so not terrible person. :P
    Hi Black Yoshi! :D I have a question....

    Is it okay to topic bump on this forum? o_O;

    Cuz, well, I wanna revive some of the old pokemon threads on here.....and I don't really have the imagionation to make new ones, myself xP

    And nothing in the rules says it isn't allowed.

    But I figured i'd ask someone who's been here longer than me (i think you've been here longer, anyways^^;; ) just to clarify, first, anyways~

    Thanks for reading this ^_^
    I'm sure you have lots of happy times with those dogs x) hopefully they still have a lot of years left with you...

    Pugs are cute :) ^_^

    LIGHT SABER KEYBLADES FTW :D Who knows, maybe kh had something to do with all of this XD Maybe it was a kh staff member that thought of disney buying star wars and nobody even knew it x)
    Malu is awesome, I have her facebook friended. c:

    She has an awesome Mass Effect song too, Reignite.
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