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Black Yoshi
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  • I'll see what I might think of once I actually see the plot. But um thanks! guess who I'm going to remake ahahaha
    ahahaha DotP has always been a fiasco when it came to running it and the avatar RP was hardly terrible, even if it did explode

    we could be terrible co-admins if you really want to doom it

    Oh, that's definitely interesting! And reminds me of Night Vale.

    Congrats on the job! :D
    That sounds good, name-wise. And I'm pretty confident you can come up with a fitting impending doom, though I'll do my best as a sounding board if you need one.

    (hint hint do this thing we need an active rp)
    That actually sounds really cool? That way we could have both plot development and just fun interaction on the side. bEST OF BOTH WORLDS.
    it wasn't entirely a serious suggestion, though it always amused me that a pack RP would always get at least three times as many people as anything else. I could never figure out why.

    I guess you'll have to change up the names, maybe try to think of a greater plot than just taking in and teaching students with abilities? Obviously it wouldn't kick in immediately or probably ever given how quickly rps die, but putting in hints that the situation is more complex than it appears is always a good draw.
    maybe we could do something to make it less dead?? though I'm not really going to bring back DotP again and also I have no other constructive ideas, which is painful to admit. But hey, Naruto - we can chat about that some time, since I'm casually involved in it.

    As for me... waiting for my fund to give me money so I can pay my courses, stressing about the aforementioned fund money, working on some steady writing, roleplaying on a few different sites... fun stuff and all that. I really started missing tCoD though.

    ...do you think if someone made a rebelling pitfighting pack rp, the sudden swarm of people automatically drawn in would miraculously revive the RP board? I mean, that tactic always works.
    pssst hey it's been a while

    I'm trying to become a thing on tCoD since it's... being kind of slow and I'd like to make an effort to change that

    how've you been?
    I completely overhauled the first chapter of TDC. It's a completely different chapter now, chapter two as well.
    I'll PM you the sneak snippet of the Mass Effect fic I sent to people who requested it on ff.net. I'll PM it here though. It's a future spoiler. But it's fun.

    As things are going with TDC, it's become much easier to write for Birthright. As it is Birthright will be updated sooner than TDC.
    Which is why the Indoctrination Theory makes so much sense. If Bioware had been smart they would have ran with it. It's genius. In fact, I'm writing a new Mass Effect Fic, because I'm this close to throwing in the towel on TDC, and the Indoctrination Theory places a huge part in it.
    Lol, most of the time I play as a tank. It makes my skin itch being sneaky or waiting for a spell to cooldown or something. I just need to run up and kill it fast, usually with fists or lots and lots of ammo.

    Well at least you've seen it. The ending is more... complete, with the Extended cut. A lot of holes were fixed. It's not everything ever, but it still was far better than the original.
    Niice. I usually played as a tankish soldier. And come on, the ending is epic, if only to see the army you raised.
    OH, it's cause you're a mage. He won't marry a mage. That or you didn't harden him. When you have him meet his sister you should harden him. But still the best a mage can do is become his consort, not queen.
    Anders turned into a I don't even...

    It's sad when Wynne is right. You must have picked a baaaaaad dialogue option.
    Anders lost a few levels in badass in II though.

    In Origins I have my Mage human, who romanced Morrigan and went through the mirror with her. Everything he did he did for her sort of thing.

    Then there was my Warden femCousland, who married Alistair and became the queen.

    I tend to avoid dwarves and elves. I just don't like them as much, but they have good backstories, especially Aeducan.

    I'm having issues with the siege of Whiterun. It's not for lack of ideas, it's because I have far, far too many of them. So much I can do. I know the end result of the siege, but getting there. Another story entirely.
    Mage is technically traditional Hawke, but I do like Bethany over Carver. Carver is just a whiney little shit imo. He's good if you need a tank, but even then his character alone makes me want to rage quit. I never feel bad letting him die in the Deep Roads rather than making him a Warden. I have a few Hawkes, one that Bethany joined the Circle and the other the Wardens. She seemed happier in the Circle, that and well... she isn't doomed to the Calling and all that.
    Here is a link to it.

    She's a legit author, and it's a bit of a slow read but sooo good.

    I run a Dragon Age tabletop, like Dungeons and Dragons, but in Thedas.

    Dragon Age 2 was... okayish. I mean story wise and stuff it was good, but it could have been so much better. Origins was freaking amazing. And the new game is coming out next year, Dragon Age III: Inquisition.
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