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Black Yoshi
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  • Exactly :c also I leave for a few hours and oh my god the RP got more posts and Exo came back too and this is making me very excited
    aaa I thought the same thing about the other forms

    kinda makes me nervous, ha

    I need to think up a biography and then I'll post :D haven't officially reserved because reasons
    Currently, in game it's green. Hold on I'm looking up cuts.


    Okay, I googled some headshots to get the idea. Her cut is this-ish, and the color is currently green and a few black highlights... and as you said, prone to change.
    pssst I assume you're glad I lured Metalos back

    also I'll be gone for most of tomorrow because apparently missing out on the first page of a RP is something I'm really good at

    Perfectly fine, but I'm suggesting you do so because it's a much more conveniently accessible place for your art.
    Baggy is cool, right? Behind the gasmask he's totally a hipster. Definitely.

    (can you feel the sarcasm?)
    I probably will once it starts and I can see how they react to one another. I really hope this becomes popular and lasts a while, unfinished RPs leave me wanting more.
    Ah! Well if you want to do the full suit, try and make it pretty skeletal. His overall physique is very unhealthy, for reasons that should be obvious, and having an appearance that warns people to stay away only helps in that regard.

    Despite that, it won't stop him trying to join school clubs. I just hope there's a place in the literature club for a student who rasps and wheezes his words to the degree where he can read pretty much anything menacingly. The person who introduces him to Harry Potter will be kicking themselves for it for weeks afterwards, oh yes~

    Serious props to you dude, and nice touch adding the actual biohazard logo. Yeah... that's probably a symbol he's used to seeing a lot by now. He probably hates it? But it generally works out better for everyone else as long as he wears it openly.

    But yeah, this is awesome!
    Ooh, I see. You may have been able to ask if one style or another was alright, though I'm sure it's gonna be amazing. I completely fail at drawing people, so you've definitely got me beat there. I'll leave them all up to you. xD
    I'm sure they'll start cropping up soon, people probably want to see how this goes before they decide to create one too. There are enough members still willing to join RPs, I'm one of them since I'll join most. I really want to see the RP forum flourish again I miss it.

    also how hard was it to draw a gas mask
    Hm, yes, reeeead. But he is incredibly interesting and terrifying, I hope he stays this RP lasts a long time. It's like, exactly what the forums needed, more people actually seem interested in it!
    I shall believe you... for now c:

    also Metalos has thoroughly scared me with his character
    Sure, it can look like that. It'd be an extremely amusing style ^w^

    are you drawing her i'll love you forever if you are
    It pretty much is. Not quite bad to read, though, I think. It's a Japanese-only game, but a translation of the first is here.

    :D I'm not sure what I'm going to do at this point, to be honest. Something.
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