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Black Yoshi
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  • I could write it now, anyways. It would be better, since now we already wrote paragraphs in school, that I write it up again and post it.
    That's when my parents said at latest. Maybe the already came today, I don't know. But if I copy it down word for word I can have it up tomorrow.
    Sorry for not posting my entry. Just as I was about to post my entry the internet at my house (posting this from my grandparent's house) went down and we're getting it looked at in a few days.
    if you want something that rolls of the tongue better, depending on how inaccurate you're okay with, perhaps try (in order of decreasing accuracy) "early spring", "refrigerator", "pyrokinetic"? conceptually, heat manipulation is the more substantial aspect by far, and gas expansion is a concession to mechanics. "pyrokinetic" is probably closest if you'd like to go for general-class-of-power-type classification.

    I still think "benzinakinetic" is amusing though.
    understandable. ("benzinakinetic" is kind of amusing, though, either way.) I could probably spend the time to find a better term, but "benzinakinetic" amuses me enough that I'm kind of okay with it actually.
    also I have a suspicion that you have the wrong sort of gas. the petrol kind, as opposed to the kind which is ... poofy. poof.
    ... and that is definitely a useful reminder keyword, is it? moreso since my initial reaction to "benzinakinetic" was "but it's not even kinetic" and the next one was "wait how do hydrocarbons play into this at all"
    Anne-Marie. She was originally a geomancer, actually. Which may explain why it was easier to bind herself to a plot of land. She's normally quite the jolly sort though! Fancies herself as everyone's nanny. Even the Headmistress'. If you ever want to talk, she's always there for you... literally. Just face the nearest wall, knock a few times, and get her attention. It's honestly that simple.
    For the groundskeeper, my concept was actually of a woman who's blood-bound herself to the foundations of Black Moon Academy. The vines creeping over the walls are her ears, the windows of the building are her eyes, and the stone and marble bend to her will.

    It pays well to keep on her good side... because she knows when you're out after curfew. She knows where everyone on campus is, all the time, because, she's connected to the grounds themselves. Graffiti on the walls? She'll make the wall form into a hand and slap you silly for it! Gardening and keeping things neat and tidy comes naturally to her, because she's so connected with the Academy itself.

    And that of course means she cares deeply for the students. Sort of a mother hen figure? She's quite old, and has become somewhat rotund, seeing as part of the contract means that if she ever leaves the Academy grounds she dies. Literally, one foot outside the fence, and she crumbles into dust like an old gargoyle. She misses the outside world - and tends to eat rather unhealthily from that depression. Her other means of escapism being that sometimes students bring her trinkets from outside the Academy fences. It pays well to keep her happy, because when she cries, the plumbing leaks. It's something of a two-way link like that, really!

    At most she's likely to be just a side character. She takes no real role in running things. Like the Academy itself, she's just... there. But she sometimes does step in to do substitute classes. Having her in combat practice is always fun, because she makes the students try and fight the ground they're standing on, and other such tactics.
    If you're doing the faculty... do you have anyone as the groundskeeper yet? You know, the person who keeps the Academy gardens and exterior looking nice, and keeps out intruders?
    Yep, although I haven't in a while since the RP sections of all the other sites I've done it on have died. .-.
    It's hard to pass up something like that I honestly wasn't sure if I'd join or not because school but I couldn't pass up a chance like this

    Whatever works. I... wouldn't say he does, probably.

    Also. It has come to my attention that it might be much better if hamster-sized dragon and elephant-sized elephant.

    ... Admittedly, it would make more sense than the current thing, which is normal size for the other two, and then just let's make something up and say it makes sense.
    I'm sure once you've gotten the first post up, everything will start coming together and becoming organized (probably in a chaotic sort of way) and you'll be able to get everyone down :D and oh, you're welcome! Though I don't think I've done a lot, I'm glad to be of service c:
    Yes, I did.

    See, there's a difference between super high school level and super duper high school. I tend to prefer super high school level, but...
    I like slept for a few hours and I just figured it was one post by you, then saw all the others and I woke right up. This social group and RP are going to be amazing Yoshi you've done well you have raised people from the grave
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