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  • Vidal and Priam may have a bromance at some point. With dire consequences.

    But yeah. Byron, do what you gotta do.

    ...and please get Aimee out of there!
    Who gets to be Cory Feldman? I mean-

    Nick is going to be a monstrosity too though. A shadow cloak that can reshape itself, and gives him wings to fly around with, not to mention claws that slice and tear... ouch. I don't actually know Byron's powers yet. But he's faculty. All of them are scary as hell, bound to be. Given time? I actually think Aimee will be a force to be reckoned with as well! Electrokinesis. Ouch.
    Not by himself.

    But with Exo's new teacher? Well, he may be able to improve upon the design. There's certainly plenty of things about Vidal to weaponize. Which I suppose is the ultimate goal of the faculty. To turn the students into soldiers. If they can't save the Academy, then, at the very least, they will Avenge it.

    ...wait, stop it. This is turning into a movie!
    Over time, I'm hoping to have Vidal's powers develop. And in ideal circumstances he'd also learn to control them better. So one day he may actually be safer to be around. At least by comparison. The other alternative is much less pretty.

    But yes! Thoughts on one-shot RP goodness?
    Bullet would be quite effective.

    And yeah, prison gang. Or just gang in general. I'm sure the Academy will have them soon enough anyway. I'm tempted to throw up a thread in the Group to do some stuff like this soon actually, while some other people catch up with their posting in the RP.

    And yes, hooray for endangering everyone! Now someone hurry up and get an air purifier! Or have Anne-Marie make some walls grow out of the floor to contain the leak. With Aimee inside. Welp, tell me that there's at least a really badass school nurse? Who can heal all the damage these kids will be taking?
    Drop a containment field of some sort over the ring.

    But leave it transparent, because there are some spectators now! Though yeah. Antidotes will probably be needed quite soon. And as for chatting, I do have Steam and such.
    And henceforth, that will be the one title they'll never live down.

    Byron: "Will LARRY'S BOYS come to the front of the class?"
    Anne-Marie: "Ooooh, you're one of LARRY'S BOYS aren't you, dear?"
    Student: "Hey look! That's LARRY-"

    Yeah, you get the picture. Once part of the brotherhood of the mop and broom, the mark never leaves you. It brands you. Like a curse. Forever. All because of a tale of pie and hubris.
    Moriarty will be most displeased.

    And that's not even to mention the broken doors, security cameras sliced apart by Shade's claws, the scorched acidic hole in the wall of the staff room, and a mountain of dead ferrets and golem components that look like they've been dismembered, sliced apart some more, and then given a shower with bodily fluids that would give the Alien from Alien a run for it's money in terms of acidity.

    Mops and brooms won't cut it, methinks.
    When the two of them do finally fight past the abomination of science and ferretry?

    He had the last slice of pie all along.

    I'm resisting the temptation to make Portal references here. But with how I keep seeing the school as one giant test it's hard to think of them not being co-op partners.

    ...which means they learn how to high-five. Hell yeah!
    Artificially created ferrets, made through alchemy. Homunculus ferrets.

    "KSSSSSSH! I got one!"
    "Shade's ripping through a few of them, but... wait... are they regenerating?"
    "...Koooooooh. And merging all of their bodies together into one."
    "We're going to die, aren't we?"
    "Perhaps this is how the others he mentioned died."
    "Over cake?"
    "Koooooh. I have no regrets."
    Vidal probably needs foods rich in minerals.

    Haemophilia? Really? When you're throwing your blood all over the place, no wonder you're low on iron, jerkass! But he can still have cake. He just needs to use a spoon that won't dissolve in his mouth first... and to savor the taste quickly, before his saliva melts it all into slurry.

    I'm seriously imagining all kinds of shit trying to stop them though.

    "Is that a golem!?"
    "Kssssssssh. That's a golem."
    "There's a golem standing guard... in front of their fridge? A golem with six arms?"
    "Koooooooh... that... must be some very special leftover pie."
    I may be getting ahead of myself here.

    For all they know, Byron's last slice of apple pie is booby-trapped. >_>

    Then as soon as there are places to do solo interactions?

    Him and Nick.

    They can join a club or something! Or maybe go in search of the legendary lost faculty cafeteria. Twice as hard to find as the student one. And even harder to loot for a midnight snack.
    Also, I was thinking about starting a mafia game just for the rp. Where roles are given based on the student's abilities. Or maybe even as an exercise.
    hahaha not sick exactly

    It's not an infection or anything shrinking down and duelling a virus would help with.

    More like the first day of shark week. B(
    I can assume larry went through the wreckage of the dirigible and fetched priscilla's bags, right

    that would totally make sense, right
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