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Black Yoshi
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  • HEEEEEEEEEEY, soquestionaboutathing.

    How closed is campus at BMA? Like, is it strictly forbidden to go anywhere ever, oooorrrrrr would it be appropriate for a Girl's Night out on the town? Because a Girl's Night out would be flippin' awesome. The bomb diggity.
    Alright, then. :D

    Aye aye, captain. I should post... Either later tonight or maybe tomorrow.
    ... So a question or two about BMA.

    I can assume Roma is either late as a new student and the administration's allowing it, or she'll get scolded for being late? I mean, she's technically a fugitive, so I didn't know if they'd be willing to let her arrive late without penalty.

    And exactly what should I do, considering she is new, and not late? :| I was in Orlando for the weekend so I just now saw newcomers could post, but I'm still a bit confused.
    Oh no, please don't rush it, I just wanted to know how it was going.

    Maybe for BMA you could ask Exo to possibly help, or something of that nature. Or we could all band together and sing happy songs about the school.

    Like I said up there, don't rush it and get to it when you can. And if you need, you can ask me about the stuff for her and you can do with it what you will. Just take it as suggestions or use it for her, that's your choice.
    Meh, I need a good read, and hey, schools started up again, I understand. (I'm also in an IT college course with school issued laptops, so...)
    It seems as though you may need to expand upon the whole 'find the cafeteria' thing. I'm under the impression that people may be drawing blanks here...
    Yes, yes! I fully support this plan... the bringing him back part of course.
    on a related note (entirely unrelated), re: "have purpose and tie into you or someone else pretty well"; what extent of purpose, what extent of tie into, esp the latter. tie into as in has preexisting or easily-produced connection or relation? tie into as in similarity in powerset or personality? tie into as in interaction of some sort?
    I'd still be interested in anything amusing or challenging, though. I don't get much in the way of that sort of maths and chemistry and physics from my courseload any more (discrete is excellent and I did poorly but it's ~not the same~), so I kind of rely on others' despair and suffering for my maths-and-hard-sciences fix.
    ah, that sort of thing. nothing of the algebra nature between algebra and calculus? did you go take some sort of alg2 or precalc then and then neglect that sort of thing for years, or does the course scheduling around you just go through geometry and trigonometry (perhaps statistics?) before calculus?

    ... chemistry, well.
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