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Black Yoshi
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  • calculus and chemistry, eh? I will extend my offer of, certainly, ask me if you run into anything interesting or challenging; I can't guarantee I can help at all, but it's interesting and it'll amuse me! (also physics.) some particular program, or just taking those courses just taking those courses?
    Haha. Hopefully! I'm slightly inexperienced in making GIFs from video, but hopefully I can figure it out.
    I might get around to making one sooner or later, I'll just have to borrow the movie from someone. I've seen them all (in fact, I watched them all in one day), and I jotted the line down in my notes so I could find a GIF for it and put it in my signature. But alas!

    So yeah, if I end up making one, I'll make sure to give it to you.
    I could be a student too I guess. Do you mean an upper year student, since those are coming in later?

    Naturally, I always have villainous plans, upupupu~ What I can do depends on how much information you're willing to reveal about the existing villain, since presumably we're supposed to be part of that person's team, and we don't actually know much about her methods or goal. Willing to PM some details? Can work without it probably, but would prefer otherwise. (I would make an attempt to not totally take over your villains' goals methods and motivation and also the worldbuilding, assuming you had stuff in mind. If you don't, I'm sure I can wing it.) Orrr another option is making a third party with different goals, which I can also do. Upupupu.
    To be honest, it needs a GIF. I've searched the Interwebs for one to no avail.
    Well, if it's not a mystery to them, then I'd doubt they'd keep it one for the rest of the staff (because why?). Unless the staff isn't actually told the students' powers, and they have to guess, in which case they could possibly come up with the wrong answer. But that works, sure.

    Also whenever I end up posting (probably not tonight, maybe tomorrow morning or so), I'm going to assume that Locke... either does not know or does not care about the hamsters, so.
    So, question! Would the doctor still say Aimee was alright even though she was so close to Vidal?
    ... Hey, does the school actually know that Gundam's just a regular human? I left it ambiguous-edging-towards-no in my sign up sheet because this is for people with super-powers, not people with super duper high school talents and actually super-powered animals, but maybe they do know and admitted him anyway?

    I'd just be amused if they were instructing him as if he had powers and thought the hamsters were a joke, but then suddenly wow the hamsters actually are special.
    I'm introducing Brighton, the VI, well, he's supposed to be a AI, but let's just say he's not finished yet.

    Should be interesting actually, as Raisa said, he's a work in progress. There are probably a few glitches and such. But still, he might give her a little more help.

    Because combat wise, she's really lacking. Which we knew would happen.

    I feel like, bad, she isn't as in depth as the others seem to be. I will be working on that.
    I remember that! Which is why I think it's great they're roommates.

    Maybe I could explore her powers expanding and being less parasitic in nature as she develops as a character... who knows?~
    He's great. So far she's not very impressed with Nick.

    She and the Shade will be best friends in no time~
    pssst hey nick guess who's going to watch you sleep like a creepy person

    isn't your roommate just the best
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