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Black Yoshi
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  • By the way, I wasn't sure if I missed some descriptions of Black Moon Academy, so I filled some in WRT the entrance and everything. Sorry if the doors weren't actually like that!
    oh, but come on, if nothing else, it's a character played by res, of course it'll be fooling around with airships, res is always looking for an excuse to wreck an airship. it rejects any choice of power which does not lead to airship. I regret only that I neglected to find a means to fill it with hydrogen.

    also, sure, but "a week away" is, like, the distance across north america. about a florida is probably more plausible anyway.
    well, then, I think I've managed to imply that priscilla lives within a day's driving distance from black moon. ... which makes at least some sense anyway.
    is there an intended datetime for this first round of posts, incidentally? I took the liberty of suggesting that there's a monday coming up, but.
    is there an inconsistency between "... We can continue this conversation later, Byron. The new students should be arriving in half an hour or so." and nick's 3h-early arrival, or did the janitor just not bother informing them that at least one student had already arrived two and a half hours ago?
    ahhh it's all very tempting and I could possibly post before others by making a simple post but I just can't I must make massive post argh
    It's alright to let out an evil laugh, I would in your case. Also I'm just gonna wait until the massive posts come in then reply myself though it's so hard to resist
    In advance you'll have to pardon any inactivity on my part. I'm a freshman, and the English teacher has already gone crazy putting stuff up on the grade calendar.
    I should think so! Though I almost feel that Eris is a tad unoriginal compared to most of the characters. Maybe I should have focused more on dreams and less on fear...

    Ah well, there's always a chance to explore that later.
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