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Black Yoshi
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  • would we say that a hunter would retaliate if a student without a figurine attacks it? how would a hunter respond if its hiding place burned? (would this vary between hunters?)
    So yeah, Reneé's hunter is a Batman knock-off. That's a thing now. No going back. Screw you.
    I never have a choice. ;~;

    But ooooooookaaaaaaaay. I'll see if I can gather muse.
    For your sake.
    Hold the phone, bro
    Ain't no Roma gettin' into no BMA anytime soon
    She'll be, like, the latest student ever.
    For real.
    OH NO, BRO
    Thank you! I love it. 8D
    I'm super sorry about my absence. Really. I know I let you down about BMA... Urgh. I won't forgive myself about that ever.
    "Cham-P, your flamethrower will be the perfect offense! We shall burn our way to victory!"

    so, if the woods get set on fire, how would that go.
    Is it just me, or are people getting cues as to what they're finding in PMs from you?
    well, wildlife varies quite a bit by region, and also other things. and magic, so, trying to minimise assumptions, because what's in the woods looks to be Plot, too.
    Would imagine the separate entity having some sort of mental connection to Nick would mean it was detectable inside Nick's mind, but that also makes sense. Not contagious Despair sort of darkness and misery, I hope
    Curious as to how mind-probing would work with the Shade sort of sitting around in there. Might play around with that.
    i got upset that i lost and then i lost my original image of Aimee so i just made one of her in pen really quick
    ("e.g. endothermic organisms, particularly those larger than a hamster")

    (well unless it's a really hot day. what's the temperature outside.)
    are there any things in the woods which are at notably different temperature from their surroundings, or large structures with unnatural shapes?
    I'll keep that in mind as a career option in case my current path falls through, though I personally doubt I could focus long enough to pull it off.
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