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Black Yoshi
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  • In short, it's where a bunch of students with super high school level talents are trapped in a school and need to kill each other to get out.

    I'm thinking of playing a character from SDR2 in Black Moon Academy \o/ ... either that, or a poorly-thought out honey beebear... thing.
    I think so too, it got extremely popular with the trailers and it all went up from there.

    Ooh, now that you mention it he does. Totally loved his bunny onesie too.
    Ahh I wish they were longer and came out more often but I know that won't happen anytime soon.

    I've been pleased every episode so far. I like Jaune, he's just very silly all the time and seems to have no off switch for that.
    Ah, that's great then! And you're welcome, if anything changes I'll be sure to let you know! :D
    ... so I wanna join your RP but I've got kind of an issue I thought I'd mention to you first. School starts for me Monday and that's when I'll get my school computer, though I haven't got internet at my house to really use it except at school. I could use my phone to reply and such though those posts probably won't be as long since you know, phone. I was thinking of reserving as I could probably get the form done on Monday or Tuesday.

    What I'm pretty much asking is, would it still be alright for me to reserve a spot even though some posts won't really be the best I can do? I don't wanna make the quality of it go down because of me so I'd rather ask first .-.
    hahaha that was her original concept but I didn't want to go too far with it in case it turned out to be stupid

    it's why she can feed off of dreams though, and make people see things
    Well, if I were to play as her, she would be a younger version. Right now in game she's about in her mid twenties. But if she were a kid, and daddy and his workers decided to send her to a special school.

    Personality wise, she's you're average cooler tech geek. To compare, she's snarky like Joker from ME, and Rebecca Crane from Assassin's Creed. Has a habit of changing her hair color randomly. (Currently green) It's become a running joke, that she manages to change her hair color without, well, the means to do so. When other characters are like, "when did you???" she just smiles and says she was bored and not to worry too much.
    Think less Tali and more EDI.

    Well, in the M&M game she does have superhuman brains and untapped technopathy. Basically she has a thing for technology. She is the daughter of one the wealthiest CEO's of the world (think Trump), but she rebels against him, and instead of using her trust funds to work with the company she builds in her secret base that she purchased under a fake company name as a hidden subdivision of her company. She has a thing for machines, building combat drones and hacking top secret sites. While the other characters 'storm the castle' she hangs out in the van outside with a headset, hacking cameras, pulling up maps, directing her drones, and occasionally playing video games whilst doing all three.

    She also has a complete VI, named Brighton, looks like Glyph from ME3, who helps her out. Basically he's a combat hologram that she sends in with the melee characters whilst she's really outside, Brighton is there with them. Quite a snarky program too.

    Obviously it can't be her her, but I was thinking a similar character. Otherwise I have other ideas.
    You're RP has me excitimacated. Which is a word. I has iiiideas.

    How are you in the mind of a tech support type character? I'm in a RPG tabletop called Mutants and Masterminds, look it up it might help you with Black Moon, and my character there is pretty cool.
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