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Black Yoshi
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    I'm still stuck on the part two. Sonofamonkey'swench. I hate writing 'dungeon crawler' chapters. The cool stuff is where my brain is, but I have to get to the cool stuff.
    Haha I said maybe. For all you know I'm pulling your leg and I haven't introduced them.

    I did tell everyone about Malik before adding him on ffn. Hmm... it's two chapters away anyways...
    That awkward moment when you want to write the the chapter AFTER the current one more than the current one.

    I gives you important detailz. I'm introducing a new perspective. A Stormcloak perspective.
    and I missed it ;u;

    Arghragarg, so sorry I left. *slumps in sad corner*

    But HECK YES it looks beautiful! <3
    She was sticky.

    No idea. I was in the shower, and when I came out she walked up to me, crying, and wrapped like a mummy.

    My mom has renamed her Venus.
    Funniest thing ever: Cat caught in fly paper.

    Most terrifying thing ever: Cat caught in fly paper.

    My poor Daisy got attacked by fly paper. She almost needed to be shaved, but we got it out.

    Then laughed for twenty minutes, because, seriously, that was funny as hell.
    That's it. Dark Gray shoes, if possible. (i couldn't find them when i created that.)

    Let me know if there is anything I could do for you in return.
    What I mean is taking something that is sort of blocky, like a Minecraft character, and making it less blocky (sort of human-like) like our avatars.
    The question I have, that I didn't want to ask in thread, is: Could you take a picture, or 3-D block model and make it look more human-like?

    It's cool. Might just wait until you finish to post the new chapter.
    I still grumble. Thing is on ff.net I have five times as many hits on the first chapter than I do for the rest of the story... and for some reasons three chapters in the middle... I'm just worried people are just glancing at the first chapter, not being interested, then leaving.

    And you're a great writer, go write now before I smack ye.
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